Odcinek 9 - The Inspection

The episode begins at TT's production, in the morning. Paul is getting the orders, Tito is wiping the floor and whistling, and Martin is talking on the phone.
Ma: Today? You will come today? Wait, today?! Oh no... Ok, ok, I'll tell the boss. Goodbye!
Martin begins nervously walking around the production section. Miss Betty consoles him.
Be: Mathers, why you stopped?
Ma: Miss Betty, the SES is coming today!
Be: SES?! Why are you telling me this now?
T: A SES-ame? No thanks, I'm not hungry.
P: SES, Tito. SES. Sanitary-Epidemiological Service. I bet Martin is crapping bricks!
Ma: I heard that!
Be: Mathers, go let the boss know!
Ma: Of course!
Martin dashes out of the production section.
Be: You two, what do you think you're doing?
P: We weren't doing anyth-
Be: Move up, to the warehouse! You will help Lawson put everything in order! Make it all squeaky-clean!
T: Let's go to the warehouse!
Be: Quit your stupid remarks, Goodwill, get to work!

Paul and Tito make their way to the warehouse. Simon is already waiting for them.
S: Hey kids, I'm pretty sure that Betty sent you there.
P: Yeah, she wanted us to clean out the warehouse, or something.
S: Oh, ok, ok. Follow me.
Meanwhile, Martin is trying to get inside Big Paul's office, but he is busy with a meeting with a delegation. He runs to Miss Edelmann's, the secretary's office.
M: Jackie, when did the guests arrive at Big Paul's?
JE: Just a moment ago. You're gonna have to wait.
Greg enters the office, with a stack of papers under his arm.
G: Excuse me, has anyone seen Miss Tungler? Danny told me to give her these papers.
JE: Did you check room 202?
G: I just went there, but she wasn't there.
JE: Sit down next to Martin, and wait. I'll just give her a call.
A moment later, Bobby comes from the council room, also with a stack of papers.
JE: What are YOU looking for? You want to get a stamp on your forehead?
R: I just wanted to print some documents...
JE: My copier is broken, try to print them at Bryan's, office 107.
R: Ok.
JE: You two, make yourself some coffee, or something. God, this secretary job is so exhausting...

At the warehouse, Paul, Tito and Simon Lawson are walking around the warehouse.
S: Ok, I just need you to put some of these items in place. I'll do the same on the other side.
Tito goes to one side, Paul to another. Paul doesn't have much to move, a moment later Tito comes back with a big screw.
T: Hey Paul, look what I found!
One of the shelves begins to shake.
P: Tito... where did you get that screw?
T: It was on the floor! It was holding a shelf!
The shelf falls over, knocking the others down. In almost 15 seconds, the entire warehouse is trashed. Simon, who is angry, runs up to the boys.
S: What... have you done?!
T: I found a screw! It was holding a shelf!
P: What a dumbass... unbelievable!
S: Do you guys realize, how long it will take to clean everything up?!
T: Two years!
S: Exactly! Now clean everything up, real quick!
Tito begins to pick the scrap up, Paul is having a breakdown on a chair.
T: Come on, help me out!
Paul grabs Tito by his shirt.
P: You fucked the job up, do it yourself!
Paul throws Tito head first into the scrap.
T: Oh, look! I found a hammer!

Back in the office, Martin is trying to get into the boss' office. Mayweather is busy with phone calls, Martin sighs and returns to the secretary office. Bobby passes him with a stack of papers, he is going to Bryan's office.
B: Hey, Bryan. I just came here to print some documents.
Br: Sure thing, dude. You sure you know everything?
Bobby looks unsurely at the antique printer, which is very dusty.
B: I... guess so?
Br: Excellent.
Bobby starts the printer up, and it begins to screech loudly.
B: It is supposed to be buzzing so loud?
Br: It's normal for such old pieces of junk.
Bobby puts in the paper and hits the "Print" button. The printer suffers a malfunction and begins to increase power in a very short period of time. It begins to spit out way more paper than it should, sending them flying to every side.
B: How do I turn it off?!
Br: I don't know, it's busted! Try to unplug it!
Bobby approaches the outlet, but the flying sheets block his path. He tries to reach for it, but suffers several cuts.
B: Daaah, paper cuts!
Bobby begins to suck on his cut fingers.
Br: Bry, man, can you turn it off? Hey, Bryan?
Bryan disappeared under the paper. Bobby runs out of the office and slams the door.
B: Well, I've... never been in here!

Greg and Danny are sitting outside, on the bench.
G: So, what do you think of gay people?
D: Honestly? Back then, nobody cared about being gay or not, but now, look at this! They are now a global movement! This whole LGBT.
G: I know right? It's just a libtard propaganda tool!
An alarm sounds from the building.
D: What is it, did your friends trash someone's office?
Big Paul's voice sounds through the speakers.
BP: Attention, attention! Everyone, please return to your offices! We have an emergency situation, I repeat, an emergency! The SES is coming today!
D: And there goes our break time.
G: How about we continue our talk tomorrow?
D: Yeah, just not about politics.
G: No promises! Come on.
Greg and Danny go upstairs, passing by their coworkers. Everyone is stressed, and is cleaning the hallways. Bobby too, who just escaped from Bryan's office.
G: Bobby?
B: I didn't do anything!
Greg looks suspiciously at Bobby.
G: What?
B: Just cleaning the office!
Greg looks at Bobby with an even more suspicious look, then he goes on with Danny. Jo Ho, Bobby's love interest comes up to him.
JH: Hey kid, can you help me in my office?
B: Yeah- I...
JH: Of course you can. Come on, you can help me with the paperwork.
Jo takes Bobby by the arm to the office, he is giggling while staring at the camera.

Paul and Tito are still in the warehouse, they are putting every part, utensil and ingredient on their place.
P: Damn it, we're never gonna do it at this rate.
T: It was all my fault!
P: You know what? Just put everything in a slapdash, so nothing will remain on the floor.
T: But we're gonna do it wrong!
P: I don't care! Just do jut!
Tito starts collecting stuff from the floor.
T: Hey, Paul?
P: What?
T: What about him?
Tito is holding a rat in his hand. Paul begins screaming, because he is scared of rats, and is also allergic to them.
T: Isn't he sweet? I'll name him Maurice!
Maurice attacks Paul, and begins biting his ankles. He climbs Paul, bites his face, jumps off and runs away.
P: No... you can put Maurice away...
Paul falls over, all swollen. Simon approaches the boys, he notices Paul on the floor.
S: Oh my God, what happened to him?
T: Maurice just bit him!
S: Maurice?
T: My new friend!
S: I don't know, who Maurice is, but I just killed a rat with a pan. Look how big he is!
Simon shows Tito the crushed body of Maurice.
T: Maurice, noooooo!
Simon takes Paul over the shoulder and runs to the nurse.
S: Christie, Christie! We have another one!

Bobby helps Jo Ho in the office. He can't help, but think about her.
JH: So, Bobby, are you here from SS?
B: Yeah! From... SS!
JH: Nice, I come here from San Fernando.
B: Is San F-F-Fernando a... small town?
JH: Just 1,5 mile south of SS. It's in the woods.
Jo notices that Bobby is nervous.
JH: Are you ok?
B: Y-yeah...
Jo puts her hand on Bobby's shoulder.
JH: You're probably scared of the SES?
Bobby immediately gets hard from Jo's touch. She begins laughing, and Bobby gets embarassed. View from outside the office.
B: What do you need a h-AAAAAAAAAAAAA!
JH: I'm a married woman, remember that, dude.

Big Paul is standing outside with Darryl and Tommy.
Da: I can see them!
To: Where?
Da: Over here!
Darryl points at an approaching van.
BP: Ok, get back inside. I'll take care of it. Now, come on!
Darryl and Tommy return to the office. The SES inspector leaves the van, surrounded by a few co-workers.
I: Inspector Ian Forrest, I came here for an inspection.
Big Paul imagines that the boys had already torn the place down, and gulps nervously.
BP: Of course, come in please!
Big Paul takes the inspector upstairs.
BP: We're gonna start from the top. While we're at it, I'll grab us some coffee.
SES1: We have a cracked wall here.
BP: Where?
SES1: Room 107, Philips and Davies.
BP: Bryan's office?
SES2: And the whole window is covered with papers! Here and here, all over the window!
Big Paul opens the door, thousands of sheets fall on him and the SES. Bryan jumps out and runs downstairs.
Br: Freedom, fresh air!
The SES looks at Big Paul, he nervously smiles.
BP: Ok, let's go grab some coffee!
Mayweather takes everyone to the kitchen, they disappear off screen.

Danny and Greg are in the office, smoking joints. Greg is coughing for the whole time, after taking some hits.
G: How can you even smoke that shit?
D: Take it easy, my guy! The reefer will chill you out! Breathe in... and out...
Greg takes a few breaths.
G: I don't feel anything.
D: Dang, just chill out! Ohhh, I can feel the melancholy wearing off...
G: You're never in melancholy.
D: Nope, never at all! Let me just grab some of that herbal tea.
Danny drinks his tea, but it's ordinary tea.
D: That's weird, I thought that this was my mug.
In the kitchen, Big Paul is making drinks for the SES. One of the SES workers takes a sip of the tea, with Danny's herbs.
SES3: A-ha! I know that taste! Marijuana! Ma-ri-jua-na! Mr Mayweather, what can you say for yourself?
BP: Marijuana? No, no, no, it can't be. Not in my company.
I: Do you take drugs during work?
BP: Of course not, Inspector Forrest! But I know who does... Danny, Danny Wright! I'll have a talk with him... Now, how about we go to the production section?
SES2: Ok, lead the way.

Martin, Betty and Paul are waiting for the inspector in the production. Big Paul and the delegation enter the room.
BP: And here we have the production field. Here in the production we send and receive orders, craft materials, and prepare our products for the restaurane.
SES1: Yeah, nice, nice.
I: Question.
BP: Yes?
I: Do you hire minors? Our friend here looks pretty young.
BP: Which one?
I: The one with black hair.
BP: I just hired him and his friends for the summer. I hired them in May, they're gonna work for the summer, and then we'll see.
I: Ok...
M: What is this?!
Martin opens a box, with a rotten cow head.
P: I'm gonna puke!
Paul vomits into a trash can, next to his desk.
Be: Throw that out, now!
M: Where do I throw it out?
Be: Anywhere! Oh, and take that chicken out. It's all drenched in oil!
Martin makes his way outside.
Martin slips on the oil dripping from the chicken. He falls over, and the chicken lands on Ian's head.
I: I'm really reaching my limit! This is your last chance, Mayweather!
Big Paul takes the chicken off of the Inspector's head. He's all drenched in oil.
SES2: The inspector is not kidding, especially when he's angry.
BP: Well, we only have the warehouse left to see. Follow me.

Tito and Simon are frantically cleaning the shelves of the storage warehouse.
T: Mr Simon, I can hear them coming!
S: And, there goes our thing. Go, hide somewhere!
The delegates step into the warehouse.
I: Nobody is going to hide from me. You're responsible for?
T: Production!
S: I work here at the warehouse, I give out orders and-
I: You, with blond hair, go back to your field.
T: I only came here to help, and I put everything in place! Well, not really in place, because-
Simon silences Tito.
S: He wanted to say, that we've been cleaning up the warehouse, putting everything, indeed in place!
SES3: A pickle jar, labelled as a gas burner?
S: The thing is, that we-
SES3: There's more of it! A gas tube in the place of cleavers?
SES2: Everything is stuffed in the closet!
SES1: This place stinks like rat piss!
SES2: Speaking of rats, what is a rat doing on this frying pan?
T: That's Maurice!
I: Mr Mayweather, your working conditions are extremely unhygienic, horrendous, outright disgusting! I've never seen a workplace this bad, since the Russian revolution! I'm putting a $7000 fine on you, for not applying to the SES standards!
SES1: Goodbye.
SES2: Don't forget to pay us!
SES3: We're waiting until tomorrow.
Big Paul sits down on the chair with the fine. He grows angry at the boys.
T: I'm out of here, bye, boss!
GP: Boys!!!

Meanwhile, in front of the building, the Creator leaves the van's trunk. It all was his idea.
C: So, what? Did you guys do it?
I: Hell yeah!
The so-called SES workers take their suits off, revealing that they were a pesticide manufacturing company.
SES1: I almost cooked alive in that suit.
SES2: Have you guys seen how their boss was shitting bricks?
SES3: I thought the guy would pass out!
I: Yeah, right...
The "Inspector" gets a call from a customer.
I: Ok, Sir, we've got a job to do. We're leaving now, maybe we'll meet agian.
SES3: Adios!
C: Are you guys gonna take me home? You could drop me off somewhere on your way.
SES1: Woah, woah! There is no such thing as a free lunch! Fuel is very expensive, pay us $6 or you get nothing!
C: Fine, I'll just go home myself. I'm not paying $6 for a mile! Bye, them.
The Creator notices the boys leaving, and he runs away.
B: Creator!
G: Get him!
P: That's gotta be him!
T: There's something on my chin, guys!
The boys chase after the Creator, who disappears behind the camera.
End of episode 9.