Episode 7 - A Trippy Trip

The boys are walking around town. It's very hot today, at 90 degrees, even though it's just the beginning of June.
P: Guys... I need to drink...
B: Not only you. We better look for a water fountain.
T: But the fountains are dirty! Pigeons drink from them!
G: We better look for a bar or something, or I'll really dry up.
T: I see a pizzeria!
The boys walk towards the pizzeria. Suddenly, Tito trips over a leaflet.
P: Are you kidding? You tripped over a piece of paper?
T: Guys, look! There's something on it!
G: I'll read the note, cause you can't even read. San Santana Travel Agency invites you for a vacation...
B: Let's go to the Carribbean! They have some hot ladies, I really would pound one under a coconut palm!
T: There are cacti in the Carribbean!
P: In Mexico, Tito. They grow in Mexico.
B: And America!
G: We're talking about America, moron. Both Mexico and the Caribbean are in America.
Paul takes a look at the leaflet.
P: Wait a minute. What's that?
G: What?
P: There's something written down there!
G: I see... Special last minute offer, bring three people for an 80% discount.
T: That's not suspicious at all!
B: Where is it?
G: In America!
P: Which America? The country or the continent?
G: I don't know, I wasn't good at geography.
T: Guys, let's go!
Tito leads the boys to the travel agency.

The boys arrive at the travel agency. They are greeted by Chucky, their agent.
C: Hello, boys! How may I help you?
T: We've found your leaflet! You're offering a trip to America!
G: And you're offering 80% off for four!
C: 80% off? Let me take a look...
Chucky wipes the leaflet, and it becomes 30%.
C: It's 30, not 80% off.
G: You're serious, dude?
C: Travelling isn't cheap these days.
P: Where are we going exactly?
C: Let me take a look at the planner...
Chucky pulls out a giant map frm under his desk, various destinations marked on it.
C: Here you go, a target map. Were you looking for America?
B: To America, to the Caribbean!
P: No, we're going to America!
G: We were talking about America, idiot.
P: For God's sake, I was talking about the country, not the continent!
C: Oh, America! USA! I get it now! Let's see... we got a few options. Baja California for $4000, Boston for $3500, and Rocky Mountains for $4500.
P: Guys, huddle up.
The boys begin to discuss their potential destinations. Tito wants to go to the Rocky Mountains, Paul to Boston, Bobby and Greg to Baja California. Each of the boys tries to get their own and, but since Bobby and Greg are majority - it's up to them.
C: So, where do you want to go?
G: Baja California, that's where we want to go.
P: Boston is better than Baja California, let me tell you.
G: I'm not trusting Boston, not after that wicked marathon. My friend's dad was almost killed out there!
P: Times have changed now.
G: And they've robbed and beaten my other friend's dad, in broad daylight!
T: You guys haven't even been to the mountains, you should regret not going there!
B: No one wants to go to your mountains!
P: Ok, we're going to Baja California.
C: That will be $750 a person.
G: I'm paying. Hand me the money.
The boys empty their pockets. Chucky gives them all their tickets.
C: You're leaving at 7 in the morning. It's best that you arrive at around 5:30, so you won't wait in queue. The plane departs at 7, and you'll arrive at about 8 PM. Don't forget to set your watches while on the spot.
P: Thanks.
The boys leave the travel agency with their tickets.
R: Pauly, what do you think, do they have nice ladies in BC?
P: I don't know, but I've heard that there's a lot of Latinas and Asians.
R: Kick-ass! I've always wanted an Asian girl to ride me.
G: Don't be so happy, you'll probably get an STD from her.

The boys arrive home, Madison and Angie are waiting for them.
P: Hi, Madison.
M: Hi, what's up?
T: We're going to America!
G: To Baja California.
A: What time?
P: We're leaving SS at 7, but we need to leave home at like 4 in the morning.
B: Let's go and pack our stuff, before we hit the hay.
Tito, Bobby and Greg go to the living room. Paul comes with Angie to her room. Paul tries to pack his clothes in the luggage, but he can't fit them in. He tries to cram them every possible way, but he just can't.
A: Do you need help?
P: Yeah, could you help?
Angie takes out Paul's clothes and fits them perfectly in a rapid motion. Paul is astonished.
P: How did you do that so fast?
A: I've learned that online. I want to attend some hotel classes at high school.
P: Yeah, that's nice.
A: And what field are you on?
P: Well... it's a bit complicated. I've dumped school on my Sophomore year.
A: You know that they might be after you?
P: Am I supposed to be scared of that? Is the principal going to grab me by my ear and take me there? Come on, he won't do that.
Paul finishes with the rest of his clothes quickly. He peeks inside the living room, where he is greeted with an absolute uproar. Tito is running around the room with a shirt on his head, Bobby is tied up with socks in his luggage, and Greg is screaming at the Democrats on TV.
T: I'm being eaten, help, help!
P: You've got to be kidding me... Stupid imbeciles, deal with it yourselves!
Paul leaves the living room in frustration. He sits down on the bed and starts listening to music.
A: What are you listening to?
P: Just listening to a new song from Chris. Take a listen.
Paul gives one of his earphones to Angie.
A: It's not my type, a bit too energetic.
P: That's rock! Rock must be energetic!
Paul begins to headbang to the song, singing under his breath.
It becomes nighttime, everybody is sleeping. From the neighbors' apartment, party noises can be heard. The loud music and arguing get on Greg's nerves, and he leaves the apartment. Out of the shot, Greg can be heard demolishing the apartment and beating the guests.
G: I'll fucking throw you a party... I'll fucking do... party... for the whole... night...
Greg falls asleep in the hallway.

Everybody wakes up to Tito's alarm, which is Baby Shark.
T: Get up, guys!
B: What... kind of alarm is that?
T: Baby Shark! Listen!
P: Turn that down... you're gonna wake up the neighbors...
G: Serves... them... right...
Tito rushes to the kitchen, and begins to pour his cereal.
G: Tito, are you still eating cereal?
T: I love cereal, Greg!
Tito eats the cereal straight from the box.
G: You know, you should add some milk first.
Paul and Bobby are packing their own breakfast.
T: Guys, eat something! You're gonna be hungry!
P: Tito, we've got a lot of food. We'll just eat on board.
B: You guys got the tickets?
G: I have them.
Greg hands the tickets to the guys. Paul gets a call from Diego.
P: Hello?
D: ¡Hola, muchachos! Great to see you. I'll come and pick you up, in quince minutos!
P: How much?
D: Quince. Uno, cinco. ¡Quince!
P: Ah, fifteen. Ok, we're leaving now. See you.
D: Bye!
P: You've heard em', let's go!
T: But we need to go to the airport first!

Diego drives the boys to the airport.
D: ¡Por favor! We're here!
B: Guys, this airport kicks ass!
P: I've never flied a plane...
D: ¡Hasta luego, niños!
T: Bye!
The boys wander through the airport.
P: Flight 1733, gate 3C...
T: It's an Airbus A220, hehe.
G: Freaking great, a CT.
P: We need to walk through them.
Tito and Bobby go through the CT with no problem, but they go off when Paul and Greg try to do so. The guards can hear it.
G1: Time to get undressed!
P: Are we really gonna have to?
G2: We'll see. Buddy, come on with me, and Robby will take care of you.
R: Take off your boots.
P: Alright...
Paul takes his boots off. Robby jokingly takes them.
G2: Nice boots, can I keep them?
P: No, they're mine!
G2: I was kidding, here you go.
Paul walks through the gate. He waits with the others for Greg, who leaves the control room after 15 minutes.
G2: Should have told us earlier.
G: Don't give a shit.
B: What took you so long?
G: I got titanium in my teeth.
P: You know, they could have thought that you had a bomb on you or something.
An alarm goes off at the entire airport.
P: But he doesn't have a bomb! No need for an alarm!
The boys see a women running away from the guard.
K: I'm not taking my bra off, you perverts!
The boys look confused. It is now 7 AM.
G: Come on, we're gonna be late!

The boys sprint to their plane, just before it takes off. They take the last remaining seats in the right back of the plane. In front of Tito and Paul, there is a familiar person. It's Mike, a co-worker of the boys.
Mi: Hey, guys!
P: Do we know you?
Mi: I'm Mike, we're working together at Tawny Tim's!
B: Are you going to BC, too?
Mi: Yep, to visit my cousin!
The plane takes off.
G: My ears, I can't hear anything? What about you, Tito?
Tito is not in his seat.
G: Tito?

Tito is standing next to the plane door.
T: Wow, such big doors! I wonder, where they lead!
G: Don't touch these dooooooors!
Tito opens the door. As a result, the flight attendant, and one of the passengers get sucked out.
P1: Harry!
G: Tito, the fuck is wrong with you? Close these doors, now!
T: Sorry, guys!
Tito closes the doors and returns to his seat, as if nothing just happened.

The boys leave the airport. They make their way to a three-star hotel.
P: Do you guys know Spanish?
B: I know some.
Bobby walks up to the receptionist, and smiles like an idiot.
B: Hola... nos gustaría... una habitación... (Hello... we would like... a room.)
P: Tell her, for four people.
B: Para 4. (For four.)
The receptionist gives the boys a key to their room.
Re: ¡No se olviden de venir a cenar, chicos! (Don't forget to come down for supper, guys!)
G: What was she talking about?
B: She invited us for supper.
T: Hamburger!
G: A hamburger, at a hotel? We can go grab hamburgers in town.
P: Come on, let's try some of that hotel food.
The boys sit down to a table adjacent to the counter. The smell of cooked meat and fried vegetables fills the air.
T: My mouth is watering, guys!
A waiter approaches the table, speaking with a thick Mexican accent.
W: ¿Puedo tomar su pedido? (Can I take your order?)
T: Hamburger!
W: Ok, hamburguesa...
G: Déjame coger un filete grande. (Let me get a big steak.)
W: Un filete grande... (A big steak...)
P: Un poco de chili con carne para mí. (Just some chili con carne for me.)
W: Chili con carne... ¿Y para usted señor? (Chili con carne... and for you, sir?)
B: Guys, what's that "La casa de Papel" drink?
P: Wait, let me search that...
Paul searches for "La casa de Papel", but he gets a series by the same name.
P: Some series...
T: I eat series of food!
B: Whatever then. Tomaré lo que él tome. (I'll have whatever he's having.)
W: Chili con carne?
R: Sí, sí. (Yeah yeah.)
W: Ok, ahora vuelvo. (Ok, I'll be right back.)
The waiter leaves.

Tito points at a group of Afro-Brazilians at a nearby table.
T: Omg, negros!
The youngest of them begins screaming and banging on the table. The rest pulls out their guns.
AB1: É isso, é melhor você dar o fora daqui! (That's it, ya' better get yo' asses the fuck out of here!)
AB2: Vamos atirar em seus traseiros! (We gon' shoot yo' bitch asses!)
The Brazilians fire their guns at the boys, who run to the elevator. Greg slaps Tito in the back of the head.
G: You idiot, you've really almost killed us all!
T: But I wanted to be nice! I love negros!
Three bullets pierce through the elevator, one of them grazes Greg's wrist. He's not hurt, but his suit is ruined.
G: My tux! I'll fucking kill you, damn it!
Paul and Bobby hold Greg back, who is trying to rip Tito's head off.
T: Help me, guys!
P: Woah, Greg, Greg!
B: Calm down, dude!
The elevator stops at their floor, and they all fall out.
P: Let's just go to our rooms.

The situation has settled down, everyone is busy. Paul is playing on his guitar, Tito is watching videos, Bobby is on a dating app, and Greg is ranting about the MORENA political party on TV.
B: Pauly, what are we even going to do out here?
P: You know, just grab some rest?
G: He doesn't even know, what we're gonna be doing here!
T: Guys, guys! We can... head into town tomorrow!
In the corridor, the Creator is walking around with crutches. He's been severely injured after getting thrown under a train by the boys.
C: Ah, there you are... My revenge will be sweet...
P: Did you guys hear that?
T: Must have been the wind!
C: Well, I'm out! I've never been here!
Greg opens the door, but nobody is there.
G: Weird...
He closes the door.
P: How about, we head out in the morning?
G: Yeah, yeah, in the morning. What do you want to do there?
P: You know, we can... errr, just...
T: Get some ice-cream!
B: Go to a strip club!
G: No, no, NO! You idiots!
P: But ice cream is a good idea...
Paul is interrupted by Angie, she's calling him.
P: Hi, Angie.
A: Did you guys arrive yet?
On the other side, there is Madison as well.
M: Don't forget to buy some souvenirs!
P: Don't worry, we will.
T: Guys, I'm so tired!
P: You know, girls, we were just getting some shut eye.
A: Ok then, we'll talk tomorrow!
M: Good night, boys!
P: Good night!
Paul hangs up the phone, and lies down in his bed, close to Tito. Tito is already snoring, and Bobby and Greg are already sound asleep. Finally, Paul falls asleep, too. Tito suddenly wakes up and hits Paul with a pillow.
T: Pillow fight!
P: Oh you piece of- come here!
Paul hits Tito back and they begin fighting. Bobby and Greg join soon after. The episode ends with a view from outside their room.

In the desert, there is a group of soldiers. They're all shooting at their enemies, except for one - who is drawing in the sand with a stick. Another soldier comes up to him.
S: Jack, what are you doing?
J: Drawing.
S: Hmmm, can I see?
J: No.
S: Why not?
J: You're gonna laugh.
S: I promise not to laugh.
J: Fine.
Jack shows his friend a drawing of a cat. He can't hold it in and bursts with laughter. Jack is angry about this, and he throws sand at his friend's eyes. He falls down with a scream.
End of episode 7.