Episode 6 - Lost

It's the middle of the night. Paul is walking through the woods, regretting his decisions at the sleepover.
P: Man, I really fucked up... I shouldn't have agreed on this one... Man, fuck!
Paul says to himself, wandering through the dark woods. He sits down by a pond, and sees a frog sitting on a tree stump.
P: Hey there, froggy. Did they kick you out too? That's what happens, when you commit a lot of mistakes in life...
The frog croaks at Paul.
P: What? I can't return to them, they're gonna get revenge on me!
The frog croaks again and disappears underwater.
P: Unbelievable, even you left me... I should get out of here, there's mosquitos biting my whole body.

Back in the flat, Tito can't fall asleep. He's worried about Paul.
T: Bobby?
B: Huh... what?
T: Is Paul going to return?
B: He should return, sooner or later. Don't worry.
T: I'm worried sick, Bobby.
G: Would you go to sleep? He'll probably cut himself somewhere outside town.
Greg rolls against the wall.
T: We gotta find him, guys!
B: Tito, he's gonna return. Eventually, he should return by morning.
T: What if he won't? That's it, I'm gonna go look for him.
B: Tito, don't go alone, you're gonna get lost.
T: I'll go with Angie!
G: Can you shut the fuck up? I need to get some sleep...
T: Get up, Greg. We need to find Paul.
G: Let me sleep!
T: Come on, Greg!
G: You want me to kick your ass?
T: Fine, I'm going alone! If you don't want to go, I'll just go with Angie!
R: No, you guys are gonna get lost!
T: See ya.
Tito leaves.

Paul is walking through the outskirts of Santa Santana, it's particularly dangerous during the night.
P: I'm so scared of this neighborhood... It always looked... dangerous!
In the background, there are dogs barking, people screaming, insulting each other, smashing bottles and blasting loud hip-hip. Paul takes up a defensive stance, ready for everything. Walking down the alley, he can feel a breath on his neck. He turns around and sees Dirty Joe, one of the local gangsters.
DJ: Hey, kid...
Paul sends Dirty Joe to the ground with a hammer fist strike, without hesitation.
DJ: The fuck is your problem?! I only wanted to invite you for a beer! That's it, get him guys!
Dozens of gangsters run out of the houses and charge towards Paul.
G1: You've picked the wrong guy, fool!
G2: Get out, while you still can!
G3: Fucking kid!
Paul isn't scared of them. He sends them all to the ground with master-level fighting skills, and performs many moves on them. Once there is one left standing, he magically sticks the fallen gangsters together to a ball, and shoves the ball towards the last one.
Well... that's how he imagined the battle. He received quite a beating, and he ran away semi-conscious to the city. Exhausted, he falls down to the ground and doesn't wake up.

Tito is walking through the town with Angie, they are both looking for Paul.
T: Paul? Paul! Where are you?
A: Can you see him yet?
T: No... What if he really...?
A: Don't say such things, Paul is alive! He's just hiding somewhere. He's really ashamed of that evening.
T: Evening? But it's night time now!
A: No, you dumba- You know what? Whatever. I hope we find him.
Tito looks around the city, calling for Paul. He peeks into buildings, mailboxes, the sewers, and even a trashcan.
A: He's not there!
After a while, they can see Mags, sitting at the bus stop.
A: Mags?
Ma: Oh, hey Angie.
A: What are you doing out here, so late?
Ma: Just waiting for a bus.
T: Have you seen Paul? He just left the sleepover in shame, and we don't know where he is.
Mags remembers, that she snuck a GPS device in Paul's pocket during her kiss. She doesn't want to tell Angie and Tito, though. She doesn't want to be suspicious.
Ma: I don't know, but if I were him, I would check some abandoned places.
A: Abandoned?
Ma: People like him are like cats, they always go their own paths. Let's go search for him at Pequena Montana.
Tito, Angie and Mags venture to Pequena Montana, a district of Santa Santana. Miko is using her GPS device, checking Paul's location on her watch. Angie becomes suspicious.
A: Miko, why are you checking your watch so often?
Ma: What?
T: You're always checking that watch, it's a bit suspicious.
Ma: Ah, sorry. It's just the loss of time perception. It's 1:16, but it's been 1:15 just a moment ago!
Tito and Angie look at Mags suspiciously, but continue their search. Mags is messaging the Creator, giving him hints to his location.

The next morning, Paul is still laying knocked out on the side of a pavement. Somebody covers him with a newspaper and pats his head.
?: Don't worry, my child. You're safe with me.
Paul wakes up, and sees a homeless man standing beside.
P: What the?! Get away from me, hobo!
Paul is trying to escape, but his twisted ankle doesn't let him get too far away. He sits down on the ground, trying to catch a few breaths. Behind him, the Creator jumps out of the bushes and knocks Paul out with an empty miniature bottle. He throws him over the shoulder, and carries him away. Just a few seconds later, Tito and the girls arrive at the spot.
A: You found him yet?
Ma: I just saw him, a few moments ago.
T: Yeah?
Ma: A man carrying a guy with long hair...
A: That could have been Paul!
Ma: Or a girl, I don't know. I just saw a shadow.
A: Follow them!
Tito, Angie and Mags follow the Creator, but he disappears behind a street lamp.
A: What?! How did he disappear behind that lantern?
T: What happened?
A: Paul just disappeared behind the lantern!
Ma: Relax, girl. That must have been an oversight.
A: I'm 100% sure, that this was him!
T: What if it was Not-Paul?
A: Not-Paul? That HAD to be him! Let's go down this path!
Angie leads the way through the path, which ends just by the train tracks.

Bobby, Greg and Madison are eating breakfast in the living room. The atmosphere is tense, everyone is stressed.
M: Angie left for the night, but she hasn't returned yet!
G: As did Paul.
B: We gotta find them! They couldn't have went too far yet!
G: Where do you want to look for them? Santa Santana is huge! The bandits must have killed them both.
M: Not my Angie!
Madison storms out of the apartment.
B: Madison, wait!
G: We're coming with you!
Bobby and Greg chase Madison into the city, they don't want to lose her.
M: I gotta find Angie! Where is she, where?!
G: Wait for us!

Paul wakes up in a shed by the train tracks, by the Creator's side.
C: Ah, so you woke up now?
Paul tries to move, but he is tied up.
P: Let me go!
C: I've heard that somewhere...
P: You what?
C: You've escaped my mind, I'll make you return there! Where you belong! But first, how about some foreplay?
Paul realizes that he's going to be tortured.
The camera zooms into Paul's mouth, and blacks out.

Tito, Angie and Mags are looking for Paul, when they hear his cry for help.
A: Did you hear that?
T: What?
A: That was Paul, he needs our help!
Ma: What, where?
A: He's over there!
Angie points at the shed, on top of the hill.
Ma: You're kidding, I don't want to get my new pants dirty.
A: Stop weeping, and get up! You want him to fucking die?
The climb will take a long time, but they don't give up.
A: Hold on, Paul, we're coming for you!
Mags is climbing up the steep hill, and she suddenly loses her balance. Tito catches her, while holding onto a tree.
Ma: Thanks, Tito.

Madison charges through the city, pushing everyone aside.
M: Excuse me! Sorry, coming through! I gotta find my sister!
Greg and Bobby go after Madison, with superhuman speed.
G: Jesus Christ, I'm about to go breathless! Slow down! Hey, Bobby!
B: Yeah?
G: Can I hop on your shoulders?
B: You're kidding.
G: I can't run anymore!
B: Fine, but only for a moment.
Greg hops on Bobby's shoulders. Madison stops by a scooter rental store.
M: Excuse me, how much for a scooter?
Seller: 20$ an hour.
M: Please, my sister just got lost, and I gotta find her! Can we go any lower?
S: Sorry lady, 20$ or leave!
M: Fine!
Madison throws 40 dollars at the dealer, and gets scooters for herself and the boys.
G: I'm driving.
B: Forget it, I'll be the driver.
G: You don't even know how to drive!
B: Like if you were a better driver in GTA!
M: Shut up, and drive!
B: Fine. You drive now, I'll drive later.
Greg drives off, behind Madison.

Paul is still in the shed, calling for help.
C: Jesus Christ, just shut up! Or I'll gag you.
P: That's the thing, I want to be heard! Help me, I need help!
The Creator gags Paul and prepares some torture tools.
C: Alright, now choose. 4 tools, we're gonna do one after another. Choose the first one.
Paul still tries to scream, but he is gagged.
C: Oh yeah, right.
The Creator removes the gag.
C: Now, choose.
P: Your parents were the one to choose you at a tombola.
C: Oh, you scrub!
P: Help me, help! I'm being held captive!
The Creator puts a gag on Paul again.
C: Fine, I'll choose something myself.
There are 4 items to choose from: heavy boots, a cleaver, a chainsaw, and a water bottle.
C: Water? What am I supposed to do with it? Oh, I know! How about a little waterboarding?
The Creators puts an old rag over Paul's face and begins pouring water over it. He begins to throw himself around the whole room. The Creator takes the rag from his face.
C: You liked it?
P: Of course not, you fucking sadist!
C: Don't worry, we're just getting started. Hahaha!

Greg, Bobby and Madison are driving through the city on their scooters. They pass many cars, narrowly avoiding several collisions.
M: Come on, comne on! We gotta find Angie!
Greg and Bobby follow Madison, but their fuel runs out. The scooter stops in the middle of the road.
G: Come on, fucking go! Gooo!
Greg stars kicking the scooter, which explodes. It sends him and Bobby flying.
B: Am I in heaven now?
G: No, we're still alive.
Greg and Bobby fall on the hill, just a few meters behind Tito and the girls.
B: Hey... guys...
A: Greg, Bobby, what are you doing here?
G: Don't even ask. So, you looking for Paul, too?
Ma: Yeah, and we've heard him somewhere.
T: You see that shed? The sounds are coming from there!
A: Come on, he must be there!

The Creator is sitting with Paul in the shed.
C: So, how about we head back to my place?
P: I'm not going anywhere!
C: Like if you could resist, you're tied up! I'll bring you there myself.
P: My friends are on their way!
C: If you only had any!
The Creator pulls Paul from the shed, only to be met with his friends.
A: We've got you now!
B: Let Paul go!
C: Ho-ho-ho. You've really went far to save him. But you're too late! You see that train over there? I'm gonna throw Paul under it!
In the distance, there is a train with a sleeping driver.
C: If I can't have Paul, nobody will! And I will suck his soul up, then the rest of you!
G: You won't do that, you big ass monkey!
C: Oh yeah? Paul can't do anything! His days are counted!

The Creator is about to throw Paul under the train. The scene becomes slow motion, Tito begins to dash towards the Creator. Before he can dodge the attack, he takes a swing with Paul - and is headbutted in the chest by Tito. He falls under the train. Madison arrives on the scooter, she almost fell under the train too.
M: Angie, my sister, where have you been?!
A: We've been looking for Paul! Some guy just kidnapped him.
Paul just stands there, looking down.
M: Never... leave the house in the middle of the night, or they'll kidnap you as well.
A: What if they killed Paul out there?
Madison still feels angry at Paul.
M: Alright. You wanted to save your friend from danger, and I'm proud of you. However, you still got yourselves in danger - but that didn't stop you from saving Paul. You're the best friends he could have.

Mags is looking down, as if she had something to confess.
P: Mags? Hey, Mags? Are you ok?
Mags breaks down.
Ma: I'm so sorry, you guys, it all was my fault! I planned the kidnapping!
P: You what?
A: Mags, are you serious?
Ma: That guy forced me to do so! He threatened to do the same to me, if I didn't comply!
Mags falls into Paul's arms.
P: I... don't even know what to say.
A: How could you?!
B: You wanted to get rid of him!
G: Yeah girl, it was a big fucking mistake.
T: This was a big... dis- grace!
Ma: I'm so sorry, forgive me, please!
Angie looks at the boys, and then back at Mags.
A: Mags, Mags, Mags... Your submissive behavior made the wrong call.
M: You should learn to be more assertive.
Ma: Assertive?
M: You should learn to say "no". Never be afraid to say it. A simple "no", it can really save your life one day!
Ma: Thanks, Maddie.
M: Ok, kids. Time to go home. I'm so tired...
Everyone follows, except for Paul.
M: Come on, Paul. We'll talk about this home.
P: Fine...
Paul follows the group to the town.

There are two scooter drivers, both riding the same motorcycle. The first one keeps bugging the other one.
S1: Hey, scooter bro! Where are you going?
The second scooter driver ignores him, and keeps driving.
S1: Scooter bro, come on, try and do a trick! Please, scooter bro!
The second bro steps on the gas and drives off. The first follows.
S1: Wait, scooter bro, where are you going?
The second bro hits the brakes.
S1: Ahhh! What are you doing, dork? Come on, scooter bro! Come on!

The second scooter driver finally snaps and shoots the first one.
S2: Hehehe, scooter bro! What happened, scooter bro! Scooter bro, you fell off the scooter!
End of episode 6.