Episode 5 - The Sleepover

The boys are in the living room, watching low-quality stand up comedy sketches. The skit features dr Shimonov, and his patient, Willy.
W: Hey, doctor, what are we waiting for with that eye test?
S: I think I know just the thing.
Dr Shimonov pulls out three pens from his pocket.
W: Ooo, I know this one, doctor! I can see six pens! An alcoholic would see 12!
Tito and Bobby burst into laughter, Greg and Paul are just confused. Another patient visits dr Shimonov.
Pa: Doctor, doctor! My teeth hurt!
S: Let me take a look...
Pa: So...?
S: We're gonna have to remove 3 of your molars.
Pa: Does it hurt, doctor?
S: Sometimes it does. Yesterday I almost broke my arm. (While trying to pull one out.)
Bobby falls off the couch laughing.
G: Seriously, you guys? This isn't even remotely funny. These jokes are literal garbage, worse than dad jokes!
P: I don't find that funny. Come on, Greg, let's go to Angie.
G: No way, I ain't playing your stupid sleepovers with your little friends.
P: Screw you then, you can sit around with these asses and watch your crappy stand-up.

Paul heads to Angie's room.
P: Hey Angie, how you doing?
A: Just waiting for my friends. We're gonna be playing for the whole night.
P: Yeah, that's nice, I guess. What are we gonna do?
A: I'm not really sure. I'll just get you to know each of them, then maybe play a game.
P: Sounds nice. A nice idea for a nice sleepover, heh.
Somebody knocks on the door.
A: I think it's them!
Angie runs up to the door, but she meets Madison's boyfriend, Pat.

A: Oh, hi Pat...
Pa: Hi, is your sister around?
A: She's in the bathrooom...
P: I'll just wait in the kitchen.
Another person knocks on the door.
A: This must be them!
Angie opens the door, to see a deliveryman with Madison's and Pat's dinner.
D: Hi, that will be $35.
A: You're kidding...
M: Coming!
Madison picks the dinner up. Angie is disappointed, and she returns to her room.
A: They really stood me up, I'm gonna cut myself, I swear!
P: Don't worry, Angie. I'm always by your side.
A: Thanks, Pauly, I can count on you.
After a while, another knock on the door is heard.
A: Pauly, can you open the door? I hope it's them.
Paul opens the door, and there are three of Angie's friends: Crystal, Ginger, and Mags.
Cr: Hey, we came for Angie's sleepover.
P: Come in. Hey Angie, your friends are here.
A: Hiiii guys!
Angie runs up to her friends and hugs them.
Gi: Great to see you, sis.
Ma: Slaaay, sis!
Paul just stands there, puzzled.
P (to himself): I don't get it... What sis, what slay? What do they mean by this?

Meanwhile, the rest of the boys are sitting around in the living room. Tito has a suggestion for Bobby and Greg.
T: Guys, how about we throw our own sleepover?
G: What do you want to do there?
T: We're gonna play games, eat chips, and maybe-
B: Watch porn!
Greg looks up at Bobby.
G: Bobby, you... are a genius! Of course we're gonna watch some porn! We're gonna beat our meat, spank our monkeys, etc.!
B: Are you for real?
G: Nah, this idea fucking sucks.
T: You know, I've never watched porn in my life.
G: Don't you even get started on this.
B: What do YOU want to do, then.
G: I could watch some good Trump vs. Democrats debates, it's much better than porn.
B: You've watched these like 17 times this week, and it's only Wednesday evening!
G: And?
Tito was about to say something, but he withdraws.
T: Do what you want, I'm playing shooters with Bobby!
B: I'll crush you like an ant, Tito!
T: I'll be the first one!

In the kitchen, Madison is eating her dinner with Pat.
Pa: You know what? I love this lobster. My parents always told be "Come on, sonny, try some lobster", and I always ran away. I'm telling you, they looked so scary!
M: Haha, you were afraid of lobsters?
Pa: Come on, don't laugh... They really looked so scary, I was afraid of them, when I was a kid. But right now, after I tried this lobster, I fell in love with it. A boiled lobster with drawn butter is now my number one dinner. And, how is your salad?
M: It's ok. I always eat a lot of them, and I can't just seem to try anything else.
Pa: You don't have to eat so much of these salads, you look so skinny!
M: How can you say that?
Pa: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Would you like to try some of my lobster, though?
M: Ok, but do you want some of my salad?
A loud laughter of the girls from the other room interrupts the convo.
M: Our girls are really having themselves.

Paul, Angie and her friends are babbling around.
A: And then I told her "No, girl, she likes matte lipsticks." And she was like, "You don't even know anything about lipsticks?
Gi: She can't even put on make up correctly?
Cr: Bloody lipsticks do attract boys. You know, a lot of guys are into cybergoth girls. You know that guy, Phillip? That little fatty in glasses. He just straight up told me that he loves me. And I was like "Get lost, scounder." If you could only see him run away in tears!
Everyone laughs, except for Paul, who just rolls his eyes.
Mg: Paul, why are you so quiet? Is everything ok?
P: Nooo, I just don't like to babble about others.
Gi: Girls, how about we play a game?
Cr: Let's play "Spin the bottle"!
A: With Pauly only?
P: You know, I can call the guys over. Guys, do you want to play "Spin the bottle" with us?
G: Go to hell with your fucking bottle game! I'm playing a shooter with the boys.
T: But I don't know how to play the bottle!
R: Come on, you guys. Maybe you'll get to see some boobies?
T: Boobies?! I'm in!
Tito dashes to the room, almost colliding with the doorframe.
P: You really like boobies, don't you, Tito?
Paul laughs out with the girls.
Mg: Your friends are really funny, Paul.
P: You know, Mags, they are all kind of dumb.
Bobby enters the room, with his shirt open, flexing his tiny muscles.
B: So, which one of you wants to touch me first?
C: I'm not kissing this guy.
A: Come on, Crystal, the game is all about dares with everyone!
B: Easy, girls, easy. Each one of you will get a chance to touch my body.

Greg is sitting in the living room, playing shooters by himself.
P: Greg, come on, come play with us.
G: Not happening.
Greg continues his game.
T: Come on, it will be fun!
G: No, get lost, you all!
Greg continues to play the shooter, he's being shot at by several opponents.
B: Come on, maybe you'll get to dive into a nice girl's tits!
G: I'm almost dead, damn it!
The boys keep calling for Greg, distracting him. Finally, he dies and spews out on the boys.
G: Fucking hell, I said I don't want to play your fucking bottle game! Go get your Patty, if you want another guy! I'm not playing your fucking gay stupid game!
Greg wants to shut the doors, but there aren't any.
Gi: There aren't any doors, Greg!
The group laughs, causing a highly ticked off Greg to sit down on the couch and watch some more low quality stand-up comedy.
G: This evening wasn't supposed to go like that, damn it!

Pat, who was passing by the living room with Madison, overhears Greg's idea.
Pa: Maddie, how about we play the bottle with the kids?
M: Are you nuts? You're a grown man, and you want to play with kids?
Pa: That's not like that! Nobody is too old to have fun!
M: Pat, this is serious. Do you promise not to kiss any girl?
Pa: Of course not! I'm not a... you know who.
M: I got your word, but I will rip your head off if you will kiss anyone.
Pa: You don't trust your own boyfriend?
M: Pat, we've known each other for just two months.
Pa: And? You know, you could trust me.
M: Fine then. Go play with the kids.
Pa: Do you want to play with us?
M: I'm too old for these games.
Pa: Come on, Maddie, nobody is too old to have fun!
M: Sorry, I'll just go sit down in the kitchen.
Pa: Ok then.
Madison passes by Greg, laughing at the stand-up comedy.

Pat joins the game, making the boys and girls count equal. Everyone sits between two girls, or two boys in this order: Pat, Angie, Paul, Mags, Bobby, Ginger, Tito, Crystal.
Pa: Let's go!
Pat spins the bottle, it lands on Paul.
Pa: Ok, Paul, truth or dare?
P: Truth, for a good start.
Pa: Ok, have you ever... peed in a public pool?
P: Come on, what type of question is that? Where did you get that?
T: You gotta answer, Paul!
Pa: Come on, answer honestly!
P: Ok! It happened to me once.
The girls begin chuckling, Bobby erupts with laughter.
P: Come on, I was kicked in the groin by a child at that pool!
R: What, were you pregnant?
Everyone erupts in laughter, Paul curses Bobby out under his breath.
Mg: Spin the bottle!
Paul spins the bottle, it lands with on Mags.
P: Truth or dare?
Mg: Dare! Give me something spicy.
P: Ok, hmm... I need you to dance with a chosen boy.
Bobby begins to raise his arm, calling for Mags to choose him.
P (to himself): That's gonna be a long night.

Greg is back to playing his shooter games. He's upset, because he doesn't have anyone to play with him. Madison is also upset, because of the ruined date. When Greg was going to the bathroom, he witnesses Madison on the verge of tears.
G: Hey, Madison, are you ok?
M: No... Pat just wanted to play the bottle game with your friends.
Greg sits down by the table.
G: You know, Madison? Some people, they just haven't matured enough. Even your Pat, he still acts like a kid, despite the fact that he's a grown man.
M: I... guess you're right.
G: Come on, don't cry. How about, we play a shooter game?
M: I'm not into shooters... But I think that I have Just Dance lying around somewhere.
G: Dance? I'm not really into dance, but that's fine with me. Let's play your Just Dance.
M: Thanks, Greg. You're such a good friend.
Madison and Greg start looking for Just Dance in the living room.

Tito and Bobby have lost the game, they didn't want to do their tasks.
Mg: Come on, Pat, spin the bottle!
Pat spins the bottle, which lands on Crystal.
Pa: Ok, Crystal. Truth or dare?
Cr: Dare, what's the worst that could happen?
Pa: I dare you to sit in Paul's lap for three turns.
Cr: Sorry, I can't do that. I made a vow with my boyfriend.
P: Are you giving up?
Cr: Yes.
Crystal is out of the game. Pat spins the bottle, and it lands on Ginger.
Pa: Ginger, you want the same dare?
Gi: Why not?
Ginger sits down in Paul's lap, to which he blushes.
P: Hehe, hi?
Gi: Hi... how you doing?
Angie is feeling jealous.
P: Ok, then... Let's continue.
Mg: Spin the bottle, Ginger!
Ginger spins, which lands on Mags.
Gi: Tell me, Mags. Truth or date?
Mg: Dare.
Gi: Kiss Paul, and tell him what you think about him.
Paul gets completely flushed. Miko kisses Paul. Ginger, who is still sitting in his lap, can feel something brush her leg.
Gi: Hey, Paul got hard!
Tito, Bobby and Pat begin laughing.
B: Come on, stallion! Take your lady to bed already!
P: Bobby!
Mg: Pauly, I kind of like you. Your hair, your eyes, your style, they're such a turn on! I want to make love to you for the whole night, on a glade!
P: I don't know... I'm still loyal to Angie...

Greg and Madison are still playing Just Dance, both of them are sweaty.
G: I'm a better dancer, admit it!
M: No way, shorty!
G: I'm not a shorty! I'm still taller than you!
Somebody knocks on the door, Madison finds a police officer, standing there.
PO: Good evening, officer Parker. I've received a disturbance of quiet hours report. Are you the apartment owner?
M: Yes, I am.
PO: Ma'am, I'm gonna have to fine you $50.
M (under her breath): Yasmine... that's gotta be her. That old rag, she can't read her Twilight in peace...
PO: Excuse me?
M: Nothing, let me get my wallet.
In the game, there are only Paul, Angie and Mags left. Mags spin the bottle, it lands on Paul.
Mg: Ok, Paul, I got the most extreme dare for the end of the game.
P: What, why? I can't choose?
Mg: I dare you to... go to bed with Angie, in front of us!
Paul freezes, he's very against this.
A: Mags, you're not gonna win this! We take the dare!
P: But Angie... we're-
A: Come on, you want to lose to Mags? Come on, it will be fun!
Paul is unsure, but he eventually gives in.
P: Fine then, you live only once. It's just a game!
Before Paul and Angie manage to kiss, the screen blacks out.
P: Fucking shit, why did I agree on that? I just slept with Angie... No, I can't... I can't live like this!
The episode ends with the camera towards a dark forest - where Paul is going to.
P: You'll never see me again.
Paul disappears into the woods. Mags peeks out from behind a tree, talking with the Creator on her walkie-talkie.
C: Hey, how did it go?
Mg: Yeah, Maddie kicked him out of the house. He's going to a forest. But, what are we gonna do, kill him?
C: Naaah, I'll take care of him. I'll just track him down and bring him to my home. And it will be one idiot less to take care of. Keep an eye on him, ok?
Mg: Will do. Goodbye, boss.
End of episode 5.