Odcinek 4 - The Concert

Paul and Greg are eating breakfast with the girls, while Tito and Bobby are just messing around in the living room, wrestling like real WWE fighters.
P: So, I've heard that you're having a sleepover?
A: I've invited a few friends over for tomorrow night.
G: Yeah, yeah. Sleepovers, they're for kids and girls.
P: And what do you know about sleepovers? Can't a guy just have some fun? Oh, and by the way, you're always sitting on that ass and complaining about everything not being your way!
G: Quit trying to piss me off, ok? I don't even know why we are arguing.
P: Everything pisses you off.
M: Guys, would you like some more sandwiches?
G: I'm full, thanks.
P: Maybe one more.
M: What about you, sis?
A: I'm not hungry anymore...

Greg and Angie go to their rooms. Paul thinks about talking with Madison, but he can't find a good topic.
P: Madison?
M: Yes, Paul?
P: You know, how does it feel to be a grown-up?
M: It ain't easy being a grown-up. There are a lot of responsibilites, and you need to take care of yourself, without any help. Coming of age is imminent for you, and your friends.
P: I know, right? Crazy.
M: Crazy is the exact word! You really are clever, Paul.
P: I still might be 17, but I really know a lot. When you take into account a dimwitted Tito, a hypersexual Bobby, or a red-pill Greg, tell me, which one of us is the smartest?
M: Of course it's-
Somebody knocks on the door. Paul meets a ginger man, in a hawaiian shirt.
D: Hi, Darryl Wald from Tawny Tim's. I came here to pick up the new guys.
P: Ok, let me call my friends. Hey guys, a guy from TT came to pick us up!
The rest of the boys leave the living room, only Greg came took care of himself. Tito and Bobby walk out in a rush, still looking absent-minded. The boys head down to the back of the orange van. Next to Darryl in the front, there is Tommy, a partner of Darryl.
D: Tommy, you got that bill from Clark?
To: He wasn't in the office this morning.
D: Damn it, man, the boss is waiting for 16 days now.
To: It's not my fault, ok? He wasn't there.
D: Why do I have to work with such a bonehead?

The boys are sitting in the back of the van, rummaging through the documents in the boxes.
T: What do we have here... Hehe, bonboned ailment!
G: It's postponed payment, moron. You really should retake preschool, asap.
P: A Playboy?
B: Playboy?!
Bobby takes the Playboy magazine from Paul.
P: Hey, give that back!
Bobby turns around and begins violently "playing" with himself. Greg slaps him in the back of his head.
G: Fucking idiot, stop jerking off next to us!
B: Come on, you can jerk from time to time.
P: Jesus, I can't believe it. We just want you to not spank your monkey next to us!
B: Wait... almost... done...
Paul, Tito and Greg turn around in disgust. After Bobby finishes, he tries to wipe his hand on the back door.
G: Don't touch the DOORS!
Bobby accidentally opens the doors of the van, and he falls through them.
P: Stop the car! Bobby fell out!
Darryl hits the brakes, and the boys are sent forward, smashing against the partition. Bobby is running to the van.
G: Take the documents!
Bobby returns to collect the scattered document, almost getting hit by cars for a few times. After a few minutes, he finally returns and they set off to the workplace.

Big Paul, the Tawny Tim's boss, is waiting in front of the restaurant. Darryl and Tommy step out of the van and exchange a few words with the boss.
D: Boss, we've got the boys.
BP: Excellent. It would have been more excellent, if you bothered to take that bill with you. I'm waiting for them for over two weeks!
Tommy opens the back doors of the van.
BP: Alright boys, introduce yourselves.
P: I'm Paul, and these are my friends.
T: Hello, I'm Tito!
R: Hi, I'm Bobby.
G: The name's Greg.
BP: My name is Paul, too. I've been in charge of the company for over 12 years now.
T: What a coincidence!
P: I know, right.
BP: Alright, I'm gonna take you all for an interview. We'll take you to the production section, in our office building.
B: Ok.
BP: I can drive you with my car. Wald and Berry, you can return for work.
The boy's enter Mayweather's white ford, and drive off towards the office building.

After arriving at the production section, Mayweather takes the boys to his office, one after another. The scene is sped up, with country music in the background.
BP: Alright, boys. I got your fields ready. Sorrows and Goodwill, you're going to the delivery section, to Betty. Lovejoy, you're going to Argyle's office, to the council. And Angerman, you're going to Danny Wright. Everybody got that?
P: Yeah.
B: All good.
BP: Then get to work! The work needs some more manpower.
Paul and Tito make their way to the delivery section. They are welcomed by Martin, a coworker.
Ma: Hey, you must be the new guys.
P: Hey, yeah, we're the new ones.
T: We're working with Ms. Wasson!
Ma: Alright boys, quick advice from me. Don't get on Betty's nerves, she's got some stuff going on with her, she's acting like she's on some sort of menopause.
Be: You said something, Mathers?
Ma: Nothing, just teaching the boys!
Be: I thought so. Get back to work, but teach them some basic stuff first.
Ma: You know, every new worker must complete a WHS course, Work Health and Safety, you get the drill.
T: Will it take long?
Ma: Usually... until the end of the day. I'll just try to make it quick for you.
Martin leads Paul and Tito to the conference room, where he shows the boys several Work Health and Safety 101 videos. Among them, there is a parody of such videos. In this parody, the reckless workers sustain increasingly horrifying injuries, from minor bruising to limb loss. Tito froze in fear from the videos.
M: Ok, that one wasn't supposed to be there, but to wrap it all up, I hope that you've learned something from the "Work Health and Safety 101" videos. Any questions?
P: No questions from me.
Tito is still frozen, like a statue. Paul takes him by the arm to work

In Danny's office, Greg is sitting next to his new supervisor.
Da: Ok, Greg. I'll need you to find me several old records. Look for some damaged cases, and we'll replace them.
Greg takes the archive room key from Danny, and leaves.
Da: Nobody's here at the moment, so why shouldn't I just...
Danny takes out a "reefer" from his pocket and lights it. He stretches in his office chair, taking puffs from the joint. Artyom, a council member steps into the office without knocking. A startled Danny throws a still lit joint away, into the trash can.
Da: Mr. Plyusnin, how may I help you?
Pl: Everything is good, I'm looking for my case, I may have left it in one office. Can you help me?
Da: Of course, I will help you.
Pl: Ok, break is in 5 minutes.
Plyusnin smells a burning joint in the office.
Pl: What's that smell?
Da: What smell?
Pl: Are you smoking narkotik?
Da: Narcotics? Of course not! It's just... herbal tea!
Danny reaches for a mug standing on the edge of the desk, by the radiator. In fact, it was radiator water. Danny spits out the liquid all over his desk. Plyusnin looks at him skeptically.
Da: Right, I didn't put any sugar in it!

In the council room, Bobby is working with Chris, Francis, and O'Hoolihan. He tries to input an invoice into the registry, but is hit with multiple errors, each time he tries to do so.
B: Mr Francis?
F: Yes, Bobby?
B: This whole registry doesn't seem to be working, I've been trying to input the invoice for at least ten times now.
F: Don't worry, I'll help you. Alright, click on the paper icon at the top.
R: Ok, what's next?
F: You should be taken to an invoice creation form. And then you just have to-
Frank is interrupted by a message from over the intercom: "Lunch break".
F: Ok, you can take a break. I'll help you after lunch.
B: Ok.

Bobby enters the dining room, to find the rest of the gang. Paul found Chris' guitar and is playing "Thunderstruck", his favorite song.
B: You rock, dude!
Paul keeps on playing, while the boys make themselves their lunch. Chris enters the room just as Paul finishes his play.
Ch: Awesome, you've got some talent!
P: Thank you.
Ch: You know what? Our band could use some help from you, some of our members are absent. God only knows what happened to them. And we have a concert tonight! It's going to be a disaster...
T: Guys, let's help with Chris' band!
P: What? But we don't-
Ch: Amazing! I knew I could count on you! Let's meet up after work in front of the building, and I'll take you to the concert hall. The Gimme Five band is counting on you.
Chris leaves the kitchen with his guitar.
G: You should have kept your mouth shut, we can't get to know a thing about playing in a few hours!
T: I always got on the teacher's nerves!
B: I used to play the keyboard a bit.
P: Ok, do we have any singers here?
Tito raises his hand, slowly.
P: It's worse, than I thought. But we're still going, let me tell you that right now. Regardless, if we can play or not.
G: That makes no sense.
R: It's gonna be a fail.
T: Come on, let's try! Or Chris will be sad.
P: Tito, are you with me?
T: I'm with you!
Greg and Bobby look at each other, unsure, eventally they agree.
B: Alright, let's do it.
P: That's the spirit! You just lacked some motivation. Let's roll!

The boys enter Chris' car and drive off. Behind the car, the Creator is talking to the Russian mafia.
C: So, you're going to a concert? They could have invited us. We're gonna rock so hard, that they're gonna remember us for an eternity. Right, Ivan?
I: Da, we will destroy their concert!
Vania, Valery, and Chukhrin, the rest of the mafia agree.
Vn: We will plug the hardbass in!
Vl: We will dance, I know kazachok!
Ck: Kill them all!
I: No, Chukhrin, no. We're not killing anyone today.
Ck: But boss...
I: Zakroy rot! (Shut up!) We're going to the concert!
Ivan drives off, blasting Moskau through the windows.
In the concert hall, there are several musical bands. Gimme Five is sitting in the front with the boys. Jimmy and Ricky are chatting with the boys, Chris is joking around with Sandy, and Vols is just looking at the floor.
J: Guys, how are you feeling about the concert?
P: Well, you know, we can't wait.
T: I was singing for our whole car ride!
G: It was terrible, he can't sing!
B: Lucky that Chris had a synthesizer in the trunk.
Bobby plays a few chords on the synthesizer.
R: You rock, dude!
The last band walks off the stage.
Announcer: And now, time for our final band, Gimme... Five!
C: Let's rock!
The boys follow the band. Chris, Ricky and Vols strap their guitars on, Greg and Jimmy take on the percussion, Sandy and Tito stand behind the microphones, Bobby gets his keyboard ready, and Paul gets an accordion.
P: Uh... an accordion?
C: Welcome to the concert! Are you ready for our newest hit!
The audience responds with a loud "Yes!".
S: This bit is called "Fly away".
R: Fasten your seatbelts, cause it's gonna be a banger!
J: This one is for my mom, who is no longer with us.
C: Let's roll!

They begin playing an alt rock piece.
S: When... I looked at you, you were there.
T: I looked at at you too, we were together.
S&T: I'll never forget this time...
S: No, no...
T: Ye, ye...
S: With nowhere to be, no time to be...
T: Come to me, come, earn your trust with me...
S&T: And go, find us a place to be...
S: Ye, ye...
T: Oh, oh...
S: But when the times, separate, us from each other, we're gonna go...
T: And keep looking, but instead, find each other so...

Before the band gets to sing the chorus, the Russian mafia drops from the ceiling, disrupting the concert. They begin dancing kazachok, blasting loud hardbass from their speakers. Behind them is the Creator, laughing maniacally.
P: What the hell is this?!
T: I don't know, they're disrupting our play!
C: Play louder, don't let them ruin our song!
Jimmy turns the speakers to the maximum volume, making the entire hall shake. The Russians do the same, this time plugging two more speakers to the wall. After a while, Valery begins to experience fatigue. The Creator slaps his belt, to intimidate him.
C: Don't even think about giving up!
Vl: Blyat, my heart!
The entire hall begins to crumble, and the audience is evacuating themselves. Both Gimme Five and the Russians begin playing at maximum loudness. Valeri falls down to the floor with a heart attack, he couldn't take it anymore. The Creator slaps his face, but he doesn't respond. Shortly after him, Ivan and Chukhrin also give up. Only Vania is still dancing, but he eventually gives up as well.

The remaining audience begins to clap for the team.
C: You did it, you saved our concert! Thank you so much!
S: You've put all you've got into it!
R: That was a wailin' performance, my guys!
J: You've become a part of our team now!
Vo: Even I am surprised, good job...
P: It wasn't much, we just substituted for your guys.
C: Wasn't much? You really saved our asses, and that's very much!
T: Are we gonna get something for it?
P: Tito!
C: I'm not really sure, but I'll let you know. See you at work!
B: So, I guess that's it. See ya later.
P: Nice doing business with you.
G: It's getting late, let's go home.
P: Alright, see you later! Good luck in your future concerts!
C: See you later! May Gimme Five be by your side!
The boys leave the concert hall, passing by medics aiding Valery. The camera pans out from the concert hall, just as the boys leave.
End of episode 4.