Episode 3 - The Fishing Trip

It's still early in the morning. Paul and Angie are still asleep. Paul is exhausted from looking for many different jobs yesterday. While they're still in bed, somebody knocks on the door. Madison opens the door, and talks to an unknown person - possibly a family member. Paul is curious and asks Angie.
P: Angie, are you sleeping?
A: Nah...
P: Do you know who's at the door?
A: Must be uncle Johnny, he's definitely looking for a fishing partner.
Uncle Johnny peeks inside Angie's room.
J: Good morning Angie dearest, it's your uncle, early in the morning!
A: Hi, uncle.
J: Who's this guy in your bed.
A: It's Paul, just a friend.
P: Hi, nice to meet you, uncle Johnny.
J: Young man, would you like to go fishing with me?
P: Sure, I guess.
J: What about you Angie, wanna come with us?
A: No thank you, I don't want to get dirty.
J: Every good fisherman has to get dirty at his job.

The rest of the boys wake up and check what's going on.
J: Oh, look! I got some sidekicks to take along!
T: Sidekicks? Does it involve kicking one's side?
J: I'm uncle Johnny, and I would like to invite you on a fishing trip. We're gonna hit the lake, on my fishing boat.
B: A fishing boat? Cool! I hope they have some chicks out there!
J: I don't know if there are any chicks swimming around, but who knows? Maybe there are some ducklings though. Let's go to my car, and talk terms.
The boys follow uncle Johnny to his car.
J: Alright boys, I hope you brought your fishing gear.
G: Fishing gear? You woke us up at five, and expect us to have some damn fishing gear?
B: Yeah, what are we gonna catch them with? We can't use our hands like this, they're gonna wriggle out!
J: Don't worry, I got some rods in the trunk.
P: Freaking great, I hope he's got some razors in the trunk too.
J: Why do you need razors, Pauly?
P: Uhhh, for fishing of course!
J: I didn't know you could do that, why don't you teach us that technique on the spot?
G: He would cut himself with those razors, uncle Johnny. He would just cry, and cry, I will cut myself!
P: Shut it, dork!
J: Easy, boys, easy. We haven't even left yet, and you're already ecstatic.

Uncle Johnny starts the car, and puts in a radio station. Country music begins to blast through the speakers, by his favorite artist - Johnny Cash.
J: Ah, yes. Now that's what I call some good music.
Uncle Johnny sings along to "General Lee".
B: Uncle Johnny, could we switch to something, a bit more modern?
Bobby switches the radio to some speedcore - the song "MTC - S3RL" begins to blast. Paul almost immediately switches the station to "Radiohead - Creep". Greg cuts in too, wanting to play "Rise Against - Injection". Tito also wants his music to play, he plays "Ulterior Motives".
G: Not this stupid crap, listen to my tune!
P: We don't want to listen to your pseudo-rock!
G: And we don't want your emo crap!
B: Suck my dick! My speedcore is the best!
J: Y'all don't even know what real music is!
All five of them begin fighting over the radio, switching the channels back and forth. Suddenly, uncle Johnny loses control of the car. The vehicle falls to a ditch, and flips a few times. Nobody was seriously hurt, but some groans can be heard from the trunk.

Uncle Johnny and Bobby open the trunk, to find Hippie - a friend of uncle Johnny.
J: Hippie? The hell are you doing here?
H: Wassup... I wanted to go fishing with you...
J: Jesus, get out of there, before somebody catches us!
Hippie crawls out of the car, knocking the fishing rods out.
H: Hey kids, are you going fishing with Johnny?
T: We're going on a boat!
H: You got it, dude! We're gonna sail our boat for fish, and we're gonna forget about them, just as always!
J: Not this time, you'll see!
H: What are we waiting for, let's go!
P: We can't...
H: Why not?
G: The engine is busted, you metrosexual freak!
J: Lucky we've crashed just by the lake. Let's go to my hut.

The boys arrive at Uncle Johnny's hut, which is grass-grown from all sides. Under his arm, Uncle Johnny has some fishing rods, and a net. Hippie's got his rod, and life vests for the boys.
H: Have your life vests, kiddos.
T: But we're not kiddos anymore!
H: I'm kidding, of course.
J: Good one, high five!
Uncle Johnny high-fives Hippie.
J: Ok, guys. Here's your rods, and a net. Two of you, are gonna catch fish in a net, ok? We'll change from time to time, so everybody will get an opportunity to use both, ok?
G: I want to go first!
P: Me too!
B: Me too!
T: That's not fair, I wanted to fish with a rod too...
J: Heads up, Tito. You'll be catching fish with a rod for the next three turns. I'll be catching fish with all of you as helpers.

Uncle Johnny leaves to set the gear up, and the boys discuss their turns.
G: I'm catching with a rod first.
T: I will be catching with the net!
B: I can go last.
P: I honestly can go last, I don't really care.
G: Greg goes third!
H: Wassup boys, you got the bait?
G: Johnny gave us some corn, we'll just take some kernels.
P: Alright, where's the can?
Tito turns around with an empty can, chewing something.
P: Tito, did you eat all our corn?
T: No, I just had some funny looking rice, still fresh because it was still moving.
G: Moving?
B: Damn it, Tito!
H: Oh no... boy! That wasn't rice, they were maggots.
T: Maggots?
There are still some half-eaten maggots on Tito's tongue. Tito leans overboard and throws up. Uncle Johnny, who was passing by, pats Tito on the back.
J: Are you seasick, boy?
T: No, I just had eaten m-
J: Don't worry, boy. Come with me, I'll let you play something on my old mobile. I always carry it while fishing, in case I get bored. I'll call you in a bit, and we'll fish with the net, alright?
T: Yay, I'm gonna play Snake!

The boys, Uncle Johnny and Hippie are done setting the gear up.
J: Tito, come!
H: We've set up the gear.
T: Coming!
Everyone starts their catch with a few small fish, like perches. After a while, Hippie has a big catch. He pulls out a bass that's over two feet. The massive fish begins to flop around the deck, hitting Hippie's legs in the process.
H: Anybody got a donger? This mofo gone bunta on the tinny!
Paul returns with a fish bat, and crushes the bass' head.
H: Beauty hit, boy! Put him in the barrel, it's yours.
Paul puts the bass in the barrel, alongside some smaller fish. Tito and Uncle Johnny meanwhile, don't seem to have any good catches.
T: This isn't going too well...
J: Be patient, Tito. Fishing is all about being patient. There should be some bigger ones coming anytime soon.
Bobby and Greg are catching fish with a spinning rod.
B: Come on fishies, come on! Fishy, fishy, fishy!
G: You got anything?
B: Just three fish. Oh wait, I got a catch! It's gonna be a fourth one!
Bobby catches a small black fish, with white spots. Neither of them know what fish is that.
B: Uncle Johnny?
J: Yes, boys?
B: We've caught this fish, what species is that?
J: Oh, it's a Spanish toothcarp. We need to release it back into the water, it's endangered.
Greg throws the toothcarp back into the water, but it gets eaten by a pike.
G: You've got to be kidding...

A deep groaning noise can be heard in the water, as if something big was surfacing.
R: What is that-
A massive fish emerges from the depths, it eats the pike as well. The massive fish is about ten feet long, and has a strange shiny body. It grins at the boys, behind the teeth there is a glass dome with the Creator. However he is unnoticed by all of the boys.
C: You went on a fishing trip, eh? And you didn't invite me?
Creator submerges. A panicked Greg runs up to Uncle Johnny and Hippie.
G: Holy shit, Uncle Johnny, Uncle Johnny!
J: What is it, boy?
G: There was a massive shark! It swam past our vessel!
H: Are you high bro? Chill out, you're imagining things.
B: It's true, he ate a pike in front of us!
J: There are no sharks in the lake, what are you talking-
The Creator's fish sub slams against the boat. The force of the impact send Hippie to the aft of the vessel.
J: Where the hell did this come from?
Uncle Johnny tries to get behind the steering wheel, but the Creator was faster. He slams again, sending everyone in all sides. Hippie gets thrown overboard.
T: Man overboard!
J: Hold on, Hippie, we're gonna get you out! You, in a red shirt, throw a rope for Hippie!
B: Sure thing, uncle!
Bobby throws a rope for Hippie, which he grabs on. Uncle Johnny runs to the ship's hut, to get something for defense. Paul, Tito and Greg throw rocks at the Creator.
G: Die, bitch!
P: Stay away from our boat!
T: Take that!

A gunshot is fired behind the boys. They turn around to see Uncle Johnny standing with his double-barrel shotgun.
J: Crisis averted.
The Creator's sub begins to sink. He can't get out and starts drowning. On the surface, Bobby pulls Hippie out of the water. Nobody suffered serious injuries.
H: Uncle, that was awesome!
J: Damn right, don't call me uncle again.
H: Give me five!
Hippie high-fives Uncle Johnny.
J: So, boys, you still want to fish?
P: No thanks, we've had enough for today. I don't want to be eaten by a kraken.
T: I loved the trip, uncle! Why don't we go fishing some other time?
B: I want to go hoem.
G: Me too.
H: Alright, loo-doos, we need to dock the ship.
T: Let's go, hippie!
Uncle Johnny moors the ship to the shore. Hippie helps Uncle Johnny to secure the vessel with a rope.
J: Let's go, boys.
The boys walk down a pier to land.
H: So, you liked the trip?
The boys look at each other.
P: It was... ok, I guess?
T: Yes, yes it was.
B: I kinda liked it.
G: But I didn't. Never coming here again.
Meanwhile, Uncle Johnny has an offer for the boys.
J: Say, boys, Madison told me that you were looking for a job. Our company is looking for some new manpower.
T: Where are we going to work?
J: Tawny Tim's, it's a restaurant just on the other side of town. I'll send some of my friends over, and they'll come pick you up.
B: Awesome!
G: Well, now what, are we getting home?
J: The thing is, our car broke down.
P: No worries, we'll just get a taxi.

The boys leave the forest and wait for a taxi - by the road. While waiting, a prostitute comes up to them.
Pr: You waiting for somebody?
The boys look at the prostitute contemptuously, expect for Bobby - who is smiling stupidly.
P: No, we don't want your services.
B: I wanna, I wanna!
Greg pushes Bobby aside.
G: Fucking dumbass, are you trying to get HIV?
Pr: Very well, might as well look for other customers.

When the prostitute was crossing the road, she gets hit by a taxi that the boys order. Loud Mexican music is blasting through the windows of the taxi, driven by a Mexican driver.
TD: ¡Hola! Come on in, muchachos!
The boys enter the taxi.

TD: Where do you want to go, compañeros?
Paul gives the address to the taxi driver. It is important to note, that his voice is muffled by a passing truck.
TD: Claro está! Będziemy tam za jakieś 10 minut.
The taxi leaves the forest. All the boys are tired after the trip, especially Greg - who is sound asleep in the back seat.

T: He fell asleep, like a baby!
Tito has an idea to prank Greg. He finds a bottle of Tabasco sauce under the taxi driver's seat. He pours it's contents into the mouth of Greg. He stirs in his sleep, and then wakes up with a loud scream.
G: Water, give me water!

Greg takes a bottle from the taxi driver's seat, but it was an even hotter Red Savina sauce. Greg explodes from the heat. Meanwhile, the taxi driver begins a phone call with Carlita, most likely his wife. She insults her husband over the phone, telling him how incompetent he is, and how he doesn't have time for his family. Diego, because that's his name, tries to calm his wife down - but this makes matters worse. Carlita promises to divorce Diego and hangs up. Diego begins to sob quietly.

Diego drives the boys to their home. With some tears running down his face, he waves goodbye from the cab. When the boys enter the apartment complex, they can hear the sisters arguing.
P: Ah, the sisters. One always angry at the other.
T: It's a shame, that we don't have any siblings.
B: We have each other, guys!
G: You know, I guess you're right. We all come from one "father". We really are like, kind of family.
The boys laugh and embrace each other.
P: So, what do you say, let's make a fish dinner! We're gonna eat with the girls.
Paul notices that the fish aren't there.
P: Guys, anybody got the fish?
Tito, Bobby and Greg shake their heads. Meanwhile in the cab...
D: ¡Mmm, pescados! I'll be cooking up some paella tonight.

A short skit.
Three boys are sitting by the school, waiting for the bus. One of them notices a garbage truck and tells the other.
B1: Look, Eddy! Your dad came to pick you up!
The second boy begins to laugh.
E: Ah, screw you, Frankie! And Steve, stop laughing!
The boys witness a combine with a hay trailer passing by.
S: Look, Frankie! Your dad came to pick you up!
F: Yeah, yeah, really funny.
A few moments later, a hearse drives by.
E: Hey, Steve! Your dad came to pick you-
An old nun steps out of the hearse and begins to chase then down.
N: Begone, you little devils! Begone! You're going to hell, you twerps!
End of episode 3.