Episode 13 - The Finale

In the previous episode...
P: That burger was so raw, it still had a pulse!
T: Guys, let's go to the circus!
C: That's right, it's me! I've planned this for the whole time to destroy you!
B: You've almost killed us, several times!
C: Enough talk, it's showtime!
G: You're still fat as shit!
C: We were just getting started!
Gr: Your wish is my command.
B: Greg, no!
G: The Bible condems witchcraft!
P: Spells may only be used by a pocket wizard...
PW: Revertia Lumina, Revertia Lumina, let them all be looming up!
G: Pauly, come on! We're gonna kick his ass!
D: ¡Mi albóndigas!
The last scene from the last episode "emerges" from a portal.
C: I'm still waiting!
B: Question. Just how are we gonna make it through?
P: Hmmm...

Paul, Bobby and Greg look at Diego.
D: Que?
The boys push Diego to the front, he's got the job to take the sentries down. In a moment of grief, he throws his jacket off of his shoulders and starts walking through the first sentries, they don't attack him.
P: How?
B: What "how"?
P: How are they not-
G: He's undetectable, the Creator doesn't want to kill him.
C: But that doesn't mean, that I won't!
The Creator targets Diego with the sentries, and they fire at him.
D: ¡Mierda!
Diego begins sprinting towards the Creator, dodging bullets like in Matrix.
D: ¡Ay! ¡Oh! ¡Caramba!
C: How is he doing that?
D: ¡Niños! Make a run for it! ¡Rápido, rápido!
Paul, Bobby and Greg follow Diego, dodging the bullets.
C: More power!
The Creator rases the power, but the sentries keep jamming.
C: Fucking Soviet technology! MAXIMUM OVERLOAD!
The sentries lose control, they begin falling over and shooting all over the corridor. Diego hides behind a wall.
D: Over here! ¡Andale!
Diego takes the boys behind a wall. The sentries begins exploding one after another. Bobby, standing by the edge of the wall, gets hit in the cheek by a piece of debris and falls.
P: Bobby! Are you ok?
Bobby wipes the blood from his cheek.
B: Yeah... let's get going...
G: We've almost died because of your stupid idea!
C: Ok, time for the last stage!
The Creator runs upstairs, the boys follow.

The last stage of the battle. On the highest floor, Tito is sitting around.
P: Tito? What are you doing here? And why are you... so jacked?
T: The nurse gave me steroids, Pauly!
G: You look like a damn culturist! I hate culturists!
Tito grabs Greg by his head and throws him far in front of him.
G: Stop, I'm sorry!
P: Tito, just calm down! We're gonna destroy the Creator.
C: Hey!
The boys turn around.
C: Time for the last stage of our fight, combat!
G: You're gonna lose, like a pussy! It's five against one!
C: Shut the fuck up, Greg! Over here, are your weapons.
The Creator points at a crate with weapons on the other end.
C: I'm going to my side.
The Creator mounts a minigun on the stand.
C: Oh yeah, I will be the one to lose like a pussy? You're the ones that will lose like big pussies!
P: No, no, no! It's an unfair advantage!
C: Time for you to die! Final round, fight!
The Creator heats up the minigun and begins firing at the boys. They hide behind some wooden crates.
P: God fucking damnit with his ideas... Alright, gear up!
Paul takes out a carbine from the crate, Bobby and Greg take MPs, Diego takes a sawed-off, and Tito is left with a rocket launcher.
C: Come on, get out you shits...
G: Tito, come to the front! You're gonna protect us!
T: Why don't you go yourself?
P: Come on, Tito, we're gonna die without you!
T: You want to be launched, too?
P: Nah, I'm good...

The Creator continues firing with one hand, holding a beer in his other hand.
C: Come on then. Get your asses out of that cover and fight like men, not pussies...
T: I'll show you, who's the pussy here!
Tito picks up a crate from the ground and throws it with superhuman strength at the creator.
C: Get down!
The Creator throws himself on the ground, and the crate flies above him. It shatters on the wall.
C: How the fuck did he do that?
P: Fire, Tito, while he's still down!
Tito fires the rocket, but the Creator gets up and leans to the right last second.
T: Ass!
P: Move up, guys!
The boys are approaching the Creator with their weapons, firing at him.
C: That kevlar armor was worth it!
One of Diego's pellets hits the Creator's unarmored knee.
C: Shit!
The Creator fires back, but he misses.
P: Come on, keep on firing!
D: ¡Sí, sí! Eat lead, estúpido!
Bobby and Greg keep firing at the Creator, until a bullet breaks through his kevlar and embeds itself in his abdomen. They continue firing, sending his guts everywhere.
D: ¡Ahora, Tito! Fire!
T: I don't have any rockets!
G: Grenaaade!
Greg throws the grenade towards the Creator, it sends him flying through the roof of the Zone One.
P: Get him!
The boys run to the top of the building.

The Creator is severely injured, he's sitting under a chimney.
G: Time for you to pay the price...
The boys approach the Creator.
C: Don't kill me! I give up, I give up!
G: Finally...
Paul grabs the Creator by his shirt and lifts him up.
P: Now talk.
C: Talk about what?
P: Talk! Why are you after us?!
C: Ok, I'll tell you everything from the start!
Paul lets go of the Creator.
B: Come on, talk.
C: It all started, when I was younger!
Flashback from the childhood of the Creator. He's sitting in the saloon with his older brother, Director.
C: It is important to note, that my parents never loved each other.
Their parents walk into the room, both drunk.
C: They loved me and Nicky, but they hated each other. Obviously, alcohol spiced up all of their fights. They drank ther hardly earned money, leaving a bare minimum to survive. As little boys, me and Nicky-
Paul interrupts the monologue.
P: This doesn't explain the question.
G: Yeah, spit it out, and don't make up any stories.
C: Let me finish, it will all make sense.
Back in the flashback, their parents are fighting.
C: So, we were all in a terrible situation. Below the poverty line, with parents that hated each other. We had to go to school ourselves, do the laundry, mop the floors, we didn't have a single damn minute of free time!

The drunk father orders the Creator to clean up a puddle of his vomit.
C: There was only us, and our parents.
The mother begins screaming at the father, and lunges at him.
C: Me and my brother, we were their freelancers.
P: For the whole time?
C: Yeah.
G: Did the CPS come to your house?
C: Yeah, but they never opened the doors for them. And they came like, a shit load of times. One time, the police tried to enter through the window, but they took their ladder and sold it for vodka.
B: And what about you?
C: Who, me?
B: Yeah, and your brother.
C: They closed us up in the bathroom. They forgot about us several times, and we had to spend the whole night there.
P: What about, when you grew up?
C: When we grew up, we kept trying to fight back. We defended ourselves from our mother, but we didn't stand a chance against our father. One time he grab me by the leg, and swung me at the windowsill, he almost killed me! He tried to kill Nicky with the closet's doors, slamming his head between the doors until unconscious.
B: That's so fucked up!
P: How did your relationships look like with others, like family members?
C: I've never met anyone from my family. Nobody wanted to visit us, neither did our parents. From her side, from his side, no one.
P: So that's why you've never had the chance to talk to anybody.
C: Yeah.
G: What about your brother?
C: He was lucky to not become an alcoholic. He managed escape the house several years ago. He enrolled in some university outside of town, at an engineering school.

The Creator begins to cry.
C: But I, didn't achieve a single shit! I became a hobo! I'm always drunk in front of my computer, crying over the old times, and why I've a quite the shitty luck!
T: That's really sad...
T: I never had friends, I didn't have money, I had nothing!
B: Wait, you didn't have money, how did you get the alc?
C: I fought other hobos, it was like that!
P: Everybody says that. You should stop drinking, before you'll really kick the bucket.
C: I'll kick the bucket sooner or later.
G: Stop crying already, I'm gonna cry too!
C: For the whole time, my whole life was against me! Family against me, friends against me, even strangers! They were also against me! Everyone had a problem with me!
T: Why don't you return to being monkey?
C: How, to being monkey?
T: Whenever I'm sad, I always think about becoming a monkey! No responsibilities, you eat bananas and throw poop at people!
C: This won't make me any happier...
B: What about women? Did you have any?
C: I had 6 crushes, and only succeeded with one.
P: How'd it go?
C: The relationship lasted a day...
G: Fuck the women, become a politician! The Republicans are always looking for people without education!
C: I'm not into politics.

The Creator approaches the barriers on the roof.
P: Hey, Creator?
C: What?
P: You haven't told us yet, why you wanted to destroy us in the first place.
C: You see, when I was feeling down, I was creating various stories with my brother. We've made characters, plots, dialogues, and so on. One day, when I created you, I just realized that each one of you fitted a part of my personality. For example, Paul was the sadness in my head. Bobby, my shitty luck in love, Greg was angry at everyone all the time, and Tito? I don't even have to explain. When I fell down these stairs, you just escaped me. I've lost everything, even you were against me.
G: No, we just didn't know... Your head was just, a portal to the real world!
B: Yeah, but they have really nice girls in that real world!
T: We could finally eat remoulade!
P: Yeah, but the most important thing is that, you'll just get to rebuild your personality!
C: No... I don't have anything to rebuild myself from. I'm an emotional wreck...
The Creator leaps over the barriers.
P: Hey, what are you doing? Don't even think about it!
C: I don't have anything to live for... The whole world hates me...
P: Not whole! We care about you!
B: We're like, your kids!
G: Come on, you still have someone to live for!
C: Yeah, I don't.
The Creator begins letting go from the barrier.
T: Nooo, I'll save you!
Tito runs towards the Creator, but he trips and hits his head on the barrier. It breaks off. The Creator begins falling in slow-motion, to dramatic music. He splatters all over the concrete floor.
P: Creator! Nooooooo!
Paul begins to cry, so do the others.
P: Why did he do that? Whyyyy?!

The Director comes up on the roof.
Di: Has anyone seen my brother?
G: Who are you?
Di: I'm Director, Jimmy's brother.
Paul looks over the barriers with tears in his eyes.
P: No... he's just gone...
Di: What a pity, I wanted to tell him something. Our parents wanted to say sorry.
The boys look up at the Director with a sad expression.
Di: Is something wrong?
P: Director... we don't know how to tell you this...
Di: No, it can't be...
B: Yeah, your brother, he's... on the other side already.
Di: Jimmy! Holy fuck, I can't believe it!
G: He jumped off the roof. He's on the ground. Better call a funeral service, so they can scrape him off of the pavement.
The Director runs downstairs.

The boys walk out of the Zone One.
P: I can't believe it, he's really dead!
G: He asked for it.
P: How did he even ask for it? His own parents gave him hell, damn it! No child should-
T: Guys!
P: What is it, Tito?
T: Where is Diego?
The boys turn around, the Zone One begins crumbling.
P: Diego, not you too!
Paul tries to run back inside, but the boys hold him back.
P: Let me go!
G: Don't worry, he'll survive.
Diego's jacket falls out of the building. Paul squeezes it tight and looks into the sky.
P: Please, Diego, we've lost one already!
A Tawny Tim's van stops by the Zone One. Darryl and Tommy turn to them.
D: Come on, boys, get in!
P: No! We're not going anywhere without Diego!
To: His days are already counted... just let him go. Let him go, it's gonna hurt less.
Tito, Bobby and Greg enter the van.
P: Well, I'm not going!
G: Get in, damn it!
P: Let go!
Greg tugs Paul inside. The van drives off.
P: Diego, nooooo!
Paul begins screaming and punching the van's back doors. The Zone One eventually collapses and blows up.

At the cemetery. In the background, there are families and friends by many coffins. Nobody is by the Creator's coffin, expect for his brother.
BP: Channel 61, Barry Pickles. I'm at the cemetery in Santa Santana. Bobby Beans is with me.
BB: Hello.
BP: Bobby, tell us what happened 3 days ago?
BB: Just 3 days ago, in Santa Santana, an abandoned warehouse collapsed at 1849 Francis Road. 12 people were killed, many more were wounded. What's straing, is that the warehouse closed down in 2006, and ever sinceno one was allowed to enter. The police is still investigating the case.
BP: Diego Fernández, a well known taxi driver was among the victims.
BB: I've travelled a few times with him, Bobby. He sometimes told a joke, blasted one of his latino songs on the radio, let us try a snack or gave us bottles of his own hot sauce.
BP: Diego will always remain in our hearts, Barry.
By the Creator's grave, the Director is still lamenting his brother's death.
Di: Jimmy, why?!
The boys approach the grave.
B: Hey, man.
Di: Hey...
P: Still grieving your bro's death?
Di: Yeah... he was so young, yet so dumb!
G: A dumbass, I know right? He tried to kill his own... children? Yeah, children! His own creations!
P: Greg, quit your scoffing.
T: Hey, there's a finger sticking out!
Tito begins playing with the finger sticking out of the grave.
Di: Tito, stop! That's a leech!
T: What?
The leech bites Tito.
T: Ahhh, a biting finger!
Tito throws the leech at the screen, it crawls across the screen and leaves smudges. Everyone just stands by the grave for a while.
P: So, what's gonna happen to us?
G: The Creator is dead, are we gonna die too?
Di: Hmmm, I don't know. I need to think this through.
The screen becomes black and white.
Di: This concludes the first season of Split Personality.
The screen fades out.

Several cards with deceased characters are shown on the screen, with Mozart's Lacrimosa in the background.
(Susie Bullock, aged 24.)
Di: After several months in development, it's time to finish the first season.
(Pete Evans, aged 46.)
Di: Even though some liked, or didn't like the show, I just wanted to say a few words.
(Miguel Ángel Graciani Torres, aged 25.)
Di: I just wanted to thank everyone, who watched the show even for 5 minutes.
(Diego Fernández Dávila, aged 26.)
Di: Not every story has a good ending, as we can see now.
(Jimmy Neumann, aged 20.)
Tito walks into the background, disrupting the little memorial.
T: Director, will there be a second season?
Di: Yeah, just get off the screen!
T: Ok!
Tito walks away.
(grandpa, aged 53.)
Di: But the question is, will there be a second season of Split Personality?
The Director, who is sitting by the fireplace, turns at the camera.
Di: There's no simple answer to this, but you'll see on September 1st. Well, that's all that wanted to say. See you later!
End of episode 13.
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