Episode 12 - Zone One

The boys are walking out of a burger shop at a mall.
P (to the workers): And that burger was so raw, it still had a pulse!
P: I'm telling you, we're all going to be sick!
Tito grabs his stomach and grunts.
B: What?
T: I... I...
G: Come on, just say it already!
T: I gotta go to the loo!
Tito rushes back to the restaurant, flipping tables on his way. An angry cleaner hits him in the face with a dirty mop.
Cl: The crappers are on the right! Dumbass.
Tito runs to the toilet, to which he throws the burger. The boys are waiting outside of the restaurant.
P: He's been in here for... like...
Paul counts on his fingers.
P: 15 minutes.
B: It must have blown up his guts!
G: With such shitty food? No wonder. Let's get him out of here.
The boys go to the toilet, in which Tito is still there.
G: Are you still there?
Tito continues to throw up.
B: I told you guys to go somewhere else! We culd have went to the Chinese, they at least know how to cook their meat!
P: Come on, Tito. Let's go.
Tito leaves the cabin and follows the guys outside.

On their way, the boys come across a circus leaflet.
P: A circus?
Tito begins to grow excited.
T: Guys, let's go to the circus!
G: What do you even want to do there? Watch some gay guys ride an elephant in an old market tent?
T: They're clowns, Greg! I really love clowns!
B: Clowns are for babies.
G: Yeah, we already have to put up with your clownery everyday.
P: Come on, gus. If Tito wants to go, let him go. Ain't that simple?
B: I'm not going anywhere, he's going by himself.
Tito looks at Bobby with big eyes.
B: Don't you even try these looks on me. How old are you? What a baby, he's gonna cry over a stupid circus!
Tito begins wailing loudly.
G: Fine, jeez! We'll go to your circus!
T: Ok, let's go!
Tito runs to the circus, dragging the boys there, almost tearing their arms off.

The boys enter the circus, with techno music blasting through the speakers. They sit down by the entrance and look around.
T: Look, clowns! I love clowns! Watch them go!
Tito points at a group of hobos, with their faces painted.
G: Those are your clowns! Ahahaha, it's just a bunch of stinking hobos!
B: Ugh, I can smell them from a mile!
P: Yeah, where's that clown's other shoe?
Zoom in on one of the clown's feet, he only has a right shoe. A fourth clown walks up on the stage, he looks very familiar.
Po: Hey there, kids! I'm Popin, Popin the clown!
All the children, including Tito begin cheering.
B: This just doesn't sit right with me...
G: Let's get out of here.
Paul looks at a very happy Tito, who is clapping and screaming for Popin.
T: I love clowns, I love Popin!
Po: Let's start off, with a little tango! I'm gonna dance with my friends!
The clowns pick their partners and begin dancing the tango. They can't dance properly, because the drunken hobos keep falling over. The parents are angry, and the children start crying.
Ch1: The clowns are falling!
Pa1: What a waste of money...
Pa2: Yeah, we're getting out of here!
The parents are starting to leave, but Popin cuts off their exit.
Po: Where do you think you're going? The spectacle has just began!
Pa3: I took a day off from work just for my Micayla!
Ch2: Mommy, I'm scared...
Pa4: Calm down, Carter. They better give us a good show, or we'll beat their drunk asses.

Tito continues to clap for the clowns, smiling dumbly.
Po: Yeah, had a good dance? Yeah, we did! Time to show you my animals!
Popin opens a cage with chickens, painted like parrots.
B: Chickens?
G: What the shit?
T: Give him a chance! I love chickens!
Two animal rights activists enter the scene.
A1: Hey, clown! What are you thinking, you're gonna paint chickens just for the amusement of kids?
A2: Yeah, think about the animals! Would you like to sit for the whole life in a cage? Just sitting there!
Popin kicks the activists out of the circus.
Po: Step right up, come see my birds!
No one comes up.
Po: Ok... how about some balloons?
Popin pulls out the "balloons" and begins blowing them.
B: Hey, clown! Those are condoms!
Popin looks at Bobby and pulls out the proper balloons.
Po: Excuse me, here are the real balloons!

The angry parents leave the circus.
Po: Hey, don't leave! I'm not done yet!
P: I don't know, why we even came here.
G: Let's get out of here.
The boys are about to leave the circus.
Po: Hey! You there! You're not getting out of here!
Popin closes the tent remotely and sets it on fire. The children begin to scream in terror, and the adults start hiding.
Po: The fun has just begun...
Popin takes the boys to the center of the scene, and it opens. The boys fall to the tunnel, only Popin manages to grab on a ladder.
T: Hey, we're falling!
The still burning circus tent collapses, burying the remaining guests.

On the bottom of the warehouse...
P: Ow... my head... Are you guys alive?
B: I think I broke my leg...
T: Again, again!
Popin jumps off of the elevator shaft, only his shadow can be visible from the camera's angle.
G: Ok, Creator, get out of there and begin talking your shit.
Po: You were correct, Greg.
Popin throws his wig on the ground, and wipes the dye from his beard. Little to boys surprise, it was the Creator.
C: That's right, it's me! I've planned this for the whole time to destroy you!
P: What do you want from us?! You're always stalking us and ruining our lives!
B: You've almost killed us, several times!
G: Yeah, like 3 times!
P: Maddie kicked me out of the house, because of you!
C: But you fucked for the first time, right?
P: What? No! I...
Paul stutters.
C: Exactly! Just say it, Pauly, that I'm the best!
P: Never! I mean, that night was fun, and all... but you made Miko help you in your sick plans!
T: Yeah, Popin! You're a bad clown!
C: Dude, I'm literally the Creator.
T: Popin ate the Creator!
C: No, dumba- Ah, whatever. I made you dumb this way. Being dumb is a part of my personality...
P: That doesn't answer the question, what do you want from us?
C: Chicken butt, I'll lay you all to the ground! And suck your souls in, like coke!
The Creator takes out two machetes from his pockets.
P: Come on, come on!
B: I can see you defeating us already...
G: What are you gonna do, slice our heads off and hang them on a wall like hunters do?
C: Enough talk, it's showtime!

The Creator charges towards the boys with the machetes. Bobby grabs his wrists, twists them and kicks him. Stunned, he picks up his machetes again and begins swinging them around. Tito tries to jump on the Creator's back, but he gets several cuts across his arms. Paul and Greg pick up a cleaver and a carbine from a nearby dresser.
G: Amazing, I'll fuck you up!
Greg fires at the Creator, but plastic balls come out.
G: It's a damn toy!
C: Haha, you really thought I'd give you a real one? But, I don't have a real one either... I can't have one, cause I'm retarded... Whatever, let the battle continue!
The Creator throws one of his machetes towards Greg, it destroys his carbine.
G: You fucker!
The same machete bounces off and lacerates Paul's clavicle. He pulls it out, unbothered by the heavy bleeding. Bobby hops on the Creator's back and hits him several times in the face. He flips Bobby over the shoulder.
C: I've been working out during the pandemic... SEE?
G: You're still fat as shit! And you're legs look like a biiiig ham hock!
C: I'll kick your ass for saying that...
The Creator begins walking towards Greg, swaying to the sides. Greg backs off a few steps, and hits the Creator in the face. He falls on his stomach and begins running upstairs.

The boys run after the Creator, who is waiting on the second floor with a button control.
C: You thought that I'd give up so fast? We were just getting started!
G: What?
The Creator presses the button, and it summons one of his slaves, Grandpa.
C: Do you guys remember Grandpa?
The boys look at Grandpa, but they don't remember him.
C: He was present in the second and seventh episode!
P: Episode?
C: Yeah! You are my creation, and I can do what I want with you! Grandpa, kill them!
Gr: Your wish is my command.
A hypnotized Grandpa comes up to Paul.
P: What is he gonna do? Hit me over the head with a cane?
Grandpa sends Paul to the ground with a powerful left hook.
B: Pauly! Oh, you old fart, we're gonna put you in the can!
Bobby clotheslines the Grandpa, and performs a leaping bulldog on him. He dies instantly. Paul shakes off.
C: Well, that was quick... But I have more of them!
The Creator spams the button and summons tens of his hypnotized slaves.
C: Well, I'm out!
The Creator runs up to the third floor, blocking off the entrance with crates.
B: Hey!
P: Shit... we're already dead.
T: Guys, before we die, I wanted to tell you something?
B: What is it?
T: I love you all.
G: What are you, warm?
P: Stop saying bullshit! We gotta fight!

Tito spots a book in the distance.
T: Guys!
G: What is it?
T: I got a book!
P: No time for books, we gotta fight!
Tito runs for the book.
G: Tito, no! You can't even read!
T: Hy... hy, hy... hyyyy... pnosis! Hypnosis for beginners!
G: You better not be lying, or else I'll throw you into these lunatics!
Greg takes the book from Tito.
G: Hypnosis for beginners... Tito, you genius! You've saved us!
Greg begins beating the hypnotized slaves with the book.
B: Greg, no!
Bobby takes the book from Greg.
B: Books are for reading, not for fighting!
G: I'll fucking show you what it's for!
Greg takes the book back, and begins fighting for it with Bobby.
G: I'll break your fucking face with it!
P: Guys!
G: What? Can't you see we're busy?
P: There could se some spells in that book!
G: Spells? We're not doing spells, the Bible condems witchcraft!
P: Fuck your Bible, we need to defeat the Creator!
G: The fuck did you just say? I'll fuck you in the ear when I'm-
T: Guuuuuys!
Tito is being attacked by the slaves.
P: Give me that!

Paul begins flipping the pages, looking for any spells.
P: I got it! Revertia Lumina!
The crowd is unaffected.
P: Uhhh, Revertia Lumina!
It's still unaffected. Paul notices a small print on the bottom of the page.
P: Spells may only be used by a pocket wizard... To order a wizard, call the number... 1-800... Goddamn this book!
Paul throws the book into the crowd, and the pocket wizard comes out of it.
PW: Hey, get me out of here! Hey, hey! Over here!
Tito, who is on the ground, grabs the pocket wizard.
T: Hello, young man. If you want to save your friends, throw me away into their hands!
Tito throws the pocket wizard at the wall, just by Bobby.
PW: Oh my bones, oh my body, brew me some of that toddy!
P: Oh, Pocket Wizard, we need your help!
PW: Say everything, young apprentice, maybe you'll-
B: Quit your rhymes, ok? Our friend is in danger!
PW: Sorry for my rude behavior, I will never-
G: Stop your bitching, say the spell, or you'll gonna say farewell! I'll crush you like an ant!
PW: Revertia Lumina, Revertia Lumina, let them all be looming up!
The slaves regain their awareness.
Sl1: What happened?
Sl2: Where am I?
P: It worked! Thank you, thank you, thank you wizard!
PW: My job for now here is done, I'll be flying to the Sun!
The pocket wizard pulls out his miniature carpet and flies out of the window.
P: It's great and all, but where's Tito?!
Tito is lying on the ground, bruised really bad.
P: Tito, are you alive?
Tito coughs, waking up.
T: Go without me...
P: What, we're not gonna-
T: Go! Just go wihout me... My time has come...
P: Quit it! Is anybody here a doctor?
Sl3: I'm a nurse.
P: Are you gonna take care of Tito?
In the background, Bobby blushes while seeing the nurse. Greg takes him upstairs.
Sl3: I'll do my best.
G: Pauly, come on! We're gonna kick his ass!
P: Take care, Tito.
Paul runs upstairs with Bobby and Greg. They turn around, to see Diego running towards them.
D: Guys, wait, wait! Voy contigo, I'm coming with you!
G: Diego, you don't have to-
P: Come on, Diego. We'll make a good team.
D: Hurra! We'll kick his culo! ¡Andale, andale!

Paul, Bobby, Greg and Diego are now on the third floor of the Zone One. This floor has a lot of sentries and rocket launchers mounted on the walls, and the floor.
C: You're pretty fast, aren't you?
D: Take your hands off of my muchachos! ¡Tu gringo!
C: You've got the balls, to talk to me like that. Heh, balls. Or should I say, cojóns?
The Creator kicks Diego in his crotch.
D: ¡Mi albóndigas!
C: Who else?
Bobby stares at the Creator with anger.
C: Yeah. I'm off to the other side, good luck in getting through...
The Creator makes his way to the other side, and sits down by his desk with a beer in his hand.
P: Get up, Diego. You wanna give up, just when we've went so far?
D: No, I... just need to...
Diego begins breathing heavily and gasping in pain. He stops, and gets up.
D: Ok, I'm ready now!
Diego is about to run through the sentries.
P: Stop!
Paul grabs Diego by his hood.
P: You wanna get fried out there?
D: No, Svarti...
P: Svarti?
D: Yeah, Svarti, I don't know your name... but I had a cat Svarti, his fur was the same color as your hair.
P: What happened to him?
D: He was old, and he just fallecer. He was 19... I had him ever since I was young...
G: Stop your laments, I'm about to cry! We have a mission to complete!
C: I'm still waiting!
B: Question. Just how are we gonna make it through?
P: Hmmm...
To be continued... End of episode 12.