Episode 11 - Back to school

The boys are sitting outside the workplace. Big Paul leaves the building with a stack of papers under his arm.
BP: Boys, we need to talk.
P: What's wrong, boss?
BP: I was checking your files with Miss Edelmann, and we've found out that your school diplomas lack a few grades! I'm obliged, to send you guys back to school - so we won't get in trouble.
T: I hate school! Everyone would laugh at me there...
G: I'm too old for school, I just want to work.
BP: Kids. None of you has turned 18 yet, and you must attend your classes.
B: Do they have cute girls in that school?
BP: Hmmm, I'm not sure about that. Now go, your education awaits! You will bring me a report from your lessons, and I'll work on it.
The boys leave their workplace.

Paul leads his friends to class 107, at the end of the corridor. Meanwhile, during a math lesson, the class is out of countrol. The bullies keep disrupting the class, and the others are on their phones, except for one nerd in the front row. The math teacher is growing impatient.
MT: When are they coming?
The boys enter their new class.
MT: Finally. Did you guys get lost or something?
B: Yeah, we just couldn't find our class- room...
Bobby notices a beautiful girl on the right side of the classroom, with lavender hair. He immediately falls in love and begins imagining his life with her.
P: Bobby?
Bobby is sitting by a cliffside with his new love interest, in his imagination.
P: Bobby!
Bobby is about to kiss the girl.
B: Paul, you just ruined my dream with my new love!
All the boys in class begin laughing, and the two girls in class look at each other, nervously.
MT: Ok, new kids, take a seat somewhere in the middle. Paul, you sit behind Don and Lizzy. Bobby, sit down next to Dina.
B: Dina... what a beautiful name...
MT: Bobby!
B: Sorry...
MT: Tito, you can sit whereever you'd like. And you, last kid, sit down next to Remus.
G: I'm Greg.
MT: Quit yammering, and sit down.
The boys sit down next to their new friends.

Bobby keeps looking at Dina, but is too nervous to say anything sensible.
B: Hehe, hiii Dina, I'm... Bobby!
D: Are you ok? You're all flushed.
B: Who, me? Nahhh... I'm just t-talking to you...!
D: Fine, whatever.
Paul talking to Don and Lizzy, who are also emo.
P: So, you guys are emo too?
Do: Yeah, and nobody really understands why.
L: I'm not that much of an emo, I just like the style.
P: But admit it, life can really kick you in the ass, right? I've went through a lot of misadventures.
Do: Yeah, my old man was always passed out drunk, my mom kicked him out, and that' just how it went. I only hang out with Lizzy, and the others... I better not say.
P: It's just like that, right?
Meanwhile, Remus is blowing his vape into Greg's face.
G: Dude, knock it off.
R: Come on, chill out, new kid! Have a smoke with us!
The bullies begin telling Greg to smoke a joint with them, and he finally explodes.
G: Leave me the fuck alone, you stoners!
MT: Ok, what is happening here?
G: They keep telling me to have a smoke with them!
R: What? That's not true! This dude thinks that all the niggas smoke weed! Mah old man was from Jamaica, he smoked a reefer for chill, but I don't smoke! Never in life! I always think sober!
Student 1: Yeah, you're never sober.
Remus' friends being laughing.
MT: You better watch your back...
G: Whatever...
Tito is lying on his desk, and groaning.
T: I hate school!
MT: Tito, get up, please.
T: Nooo, evil witch teacher!
Tito runs away from the classroom.
MT: Now, the quadratic function is a polynomial, where the term with the highest power has a degree of 2. It can be described as ax^2+bx+c, where a=0. Who wants to do the exercise?
St2: I do, I do!
MT: Cameron, you've done two exercises already. Anyone else?
No one else raises their hand.
MT: Fine, do the exercise please.
Cameron solves the equation in under 4 seconds.
Ca: X is equal 3.
MT: Good job, you get an A.
Ca: Awesome!

History lesson.
HT: Ok, kids. Today we're gonna watch a movie about culture of the Interwar Period.
The history teacher tries to start the projector. Meanwhile, Remus takes a map stand to the middle of the class, and begins dancing on it, like a pole.
HT: Remus, get down.
R: Don't worry, professor! I just want to be a famous dancer!
HT: You're gonna break the map stand!
R: No, sir!
Remus keeps dancing on the pole, shaking his cheeks, to the amusement of his friends. Eventually, the stand snaps under his weight.
HT: I can't stand this child! I just can't!
Paul notices Harry and his friends, in the back of the class. Oscar, Theo, Dave and Harry are angry at him.
P: Uhh, hey guys?
Da: Don't you "hey guys" us here. You better look at Harry, he's all broken!
Harry is sitting in his chair, with a lot of bandages.
O: He literally died for a few minutes!
Harry tries to say something, but the bandages restrict him.
T: You better not talk to us, anytime. Alright? You and your friends.
Paul turns back to Don and Lizzy.
Do: You guys probably didn't like each other, right?
P: Nahhh, almost the whole classroom is filled with the worst mf's. They all belong in a Russian school!
L: I don't get it, why a Russian school?
G: In a Russian school, there are the biggest bandits out there, raised by the street, abused by their parents, drinking and smoking all day.
Do: What do you even know about a community college, Greg?
G: I was tens of these idiots on the street, trust me!
HT: Silence, we're gonna watch the movie.
The history teacher tries to turn on the projector, but he can't reach it. He grabs a stick, and tries to hit the power button with it - but he breaks it in the process.
D: Hey, professor, that's not how you turn on a projector!
Ca: You need to press the button!
St1: There's no way to turn it on, idiot! It's in pieces!
Ca: Not nice, Mateo.
M: Gonna cry, nerd? Hey Simon, whatcha think?
S: Good one, lil' bro!
Mateo and Simon high five each other.
T: Excuse me?
HT: Yes, Tito?
T: Is it possible to breathe underwater?
HT: No, Tito. You can't breathe underwater. The human lungs aren't adapted to-
Tito puts a water bottle on his head.
T: Look, Sir! I'm breathing under the water!
The class begins to laugh, and the teacher facepalms.
HT: Oh my God...

English lesson.
ET: Alright, kids, close your notebooks! You will write an essay about your opinion on "MacBeth", by William Shakespeare.
P (to himself): What? William who?
ET: You have 45 minutes, write down at least 300 words. Start now.
The class begins writing.
B: Excuse me?
ET: Yes, Bobby?
B: We haven't even read the book!
ET: What do you mean by "We haven't even read the book"?
T: It means, we haven't even read the book!
The class begins laughing.
B: Did I ask for your opinion?
T: Sorry.
B: What I meant to say was, it's our first day at the school! For me and my friends.
ET: I understand. You guys, give me back your tests. I'll find exercises for you...
The English teacher takes their tests, and gives them their exercises.
P: Is this a joke? Spelling for kindergarten?
ET: I don't have anything else, do the thing.
T (to himself): I, don't know this...! Con... c... c... con...
Tito screams out the word as loud as he can.
T: CONSCIOUS! C, O, N, S, H, U, E, I, S, S! Conscious!
ET: You don't even know how to spell the word "conscious"?
T: But that's how you spell it! C, O, N, S-
ET: Let me take a look.
The teacher can't make out anything, because Tito scribbled all over the questions.
ET: Are you special or something?
T: The teachers told me, that I'm special! And my friends call me an idiot!
ET: What a disaster...

Lunch break.
Dina is sitting at the table by herself, scrolling through social media. Bobby sits down by her table.
B: Hey, Dina, sitting by yourself?
D: Bobby, move aside.
B: What, why?
D: Come on, move.
B: But I haven't even said-
Bobby gets hit by a paper plane, which flies right into his mouth. The bullies begin laughing at him.
St2: What up, Romeo? Hitting up on Dina?
O: Good one, Phil!
Ph: Gibson, Slick, Brandon, fire at Bobby!
Phil and his friends begin throwing dozens of paper planes at Bobby, who begins running away. He runs by Paul's table, where he is sitting with Don and Lizzy.
P: I'm telling you guys, this food looks like straight up prison food. I've watched many movies, and this food looks exactly the same.
Do: Don't worry. It tastes much better, than it looks. Trust us.
Paul scoops some rice and chicken on his fork, and tries it slowly. He immediately begins eating everything on the tray.
L: See? We knew you'd like it.
Harry and his friends approach Paul from behind. Theo and Oscar grab Paul by his head, and shove it into the tray. To make things worse, his fork becomes lodged in his forehead.
T: Karma's a bitch, buddy.
Harry's band walks away laughing.
L: Oh my God!
Do: But you don't believe in God.
L: I know, but... they killed Paul!
Do: He's not dead, he's breathing. Look! We should bring him to the nurse though...
Lizzy tries to pull the fork from Paul's forehead.
Do: Don't pull it out, or you could risk damaging his brain. Let the nurse take care of it.
Don and Lizzy take Paul under their arms and carry him out of the cafeteria.

PE lesson.
Paul sits down next to Greg on the bench.
G: You're on the bench too?
P: Yeah, they almost gouged my brain out at the cafeteria.
G: Do you even have a brain?
P: Oh look, how funny your are. Real funny.
G: Fine, sorry.
The coach plays some music from Remus' speaker.
Co: Ok, maggots! Move up! Spin forward!
The boys run through the screen, spinning their arms in a forward motion.
Co: And backwards!
Harry's friends run to the other side, spinning their arms backwards.
Co: Carioca!
Phil's gang runs, interlacing their legs.
Co: Sidestep!
The boys sidestep from one side of the screen to another.
Co: Skip A!
Harry's friends run, lifting their knees up.
Co: And C!
Phil's gang runs again, kicking their cheeks with their heels.
W: Ready? Game! Volleyball!
On one side of the field, there are Phil, Simon, Mateo, Remus, Tito and Bobby. On the other, Oscar, Kicks, Dave, Theo, Gibson, Slick, and Brandon.
Th: Kicks, come up on the bench.
K: 'Ight!
Phil starts the game, sending the ball to the other side. Both teams pitch the ball, finally, Tito catches the ball and throws it to the other side.
S: Hey, dumbass! You don't catch the ball during the game, only during serving!
T: Hmmm, ok!
After a few second, Tito does the same again.
R: Are you deaf? Stop catching the ball!
T: I must, or we're gonna lose!
Ph: Hey, Tito! Were you at the end of the line, when they were giving out brains?
T: At least I was in the queue, unlike you.
Phil redirects the ball, and hits Tito in the face with it.
Da: Violeeeeeeeeence! On the pitch!
Tito gets up from the ground, and tries to throw a punch at Phil. His friends gang up and give Tito a beating. The coach blows the whistle and puts Tito on the bench.
P: Holy crap, they gave you quite the beating!
T: That's not fair! I wanted to beat them up, not them beating me!
G: But that brain queue text was nice, right?
Paul slaps Greg in the back of his head.
G: What?

IT lesson.
The teacher is sitting at his desk, not moving an inch.
P: Hey, I'm a bit scared of this guy.
Do: Don't worry! Old man Gerald is always like that! He will just take the attendence, and then we can do whatever we want!
Ge: Lizzy, Bobby, Brandon, Dave, Dina, Don, Gibson, Cameron, Greg, Harry, Kicks, Mateo, Oscar, Paul, Remus, Simon, Slick, Theo, Tito, Victor... everybody present.
L: See? Now we can just relax a bit!
Phil gets up from his spit.
Ph: Gerald! Come here, Gerald!
The teacher doesn't move.
Ph: Hey, Gerald! I'm talking to you, old man!
He still doesn't move. Phil begins hitting his head lightly, pretending to play on drums. Everyone except for Cameron begins laughing. Finally, Gerald gets up, grabs Phil by his throat in a robotic motion.
Ge: Had enough now?
The class goes silent.
Ph: Guys, it's confirmed! Gerald is a cyborg!
Remus begins laughing. Gerald pulls up very quickly to Remus, and sends him to the ground with a slap, before starting to fry him with lasers from the eyes.
P: I had enough of this school! I'm going home!
The boys try to escape, but Paul and Bobby are stopped by Dina, Don and Lizzy.
Do: You don't want to stay in touch?
L: We're gonna miss you.
D: Don't look at me, I'm here because of them.
P: Fine, here's my number.
B: What about me?
D: Not with you. Maybe with Pauly though...
P: Yo, Bobby! The ladies love me!
Bobby begins to grow angry.
P: Alright, let's get out of here!
Paul and Bobby run away from the classroom, which explodes a moment later.

On the way back to work...
T: Guys, isn't the Creator supposed to jump out from the corner and tell us that is was his plan?
P: I know, right! He hasn't come out today.
G: Don't care! Let's go back to work, it's way better than learning!
The boys turn the corner to the workplace. Meanwhile at the forest...
C: It's time for my final plan, they're gonna remember it forever!
The Creator calls an unknown person.
C: It's showtime.
A helicopter is flying towards the creator, with a circus tent attached.
C: Just a bit lower, lower! Ok, now tilt to the right... Too much! To the left, ok... Enough! Release
The helicopter drops the tent, which becomes entangled on a tree.
C: Fucking idiot! I told you to tilt the machine just a bit! But no, you had to do things your way! Pick it up and do it again!
The helicopter picks up the tent, which falls on another tree.
C: Goddamn it! Fine, I'll do it myself!
The Creator climbs up the tent, and into the helicopter.
Pi: Hey, what are you- AAAAH!
The Creator throws the pilot out and takes the steering. He swiftly maneuvers the machine and sets the tent down.
Tw: All done. But.. how am I supposed to get down?!
A bird flies into the main rotor, and shreds it's propellers. The machine plummets down, and the Creator jumps out. He lands on the tent, and slides down, falling face first. He gets up and brushes off the dirt.
C: Alas, the Eonzone (yon-ZONE) circus is now open!
Pi: Eonzone? What kind of name is that?
C: Because Eonzone, is in reality Zone One!
The blueprint of the circus and Zone One flashes on the screen.
C: The Eonzone is connected to an abandoned warehouse by a tunnel, and I'll throw the guys inside during the show!
The Creator begins laughing maniacally and gets a coughing fit.
C: What was I... oh right!
The camera cuts back to the Creator and his pilot.
C: Time to hang these leaflets around town!
The Creator runs out of the forest with his leaflets.
Pi: You're gonna fail!
C: No, I won't! Whatever, go fu-
The Creator's voice fades out.
End of episode 11.