Episode 10 - It's a match!

The boys are watching the Euro soccer matches on TV.
TV: Zieliński by the ball! Zieliński... Memphis Depay takes the ball! Depay, Depay... Gakpo! Gakpo, goaaaaal! 1:0 for the Dutch!
B: Fucking how, it was an offside!
P: Do you even know what an offside is?
B: I'm gonna offside your ass, if you don't shut up! You don't know shit about soccer!
T: I'm gonna go offside for popcorn!
Tito walks out of the living room.
G: Booooring...
B: Like you know any better, you're all but sucking republican dick all the time!
G: Our national team is fucking garbage! Even our 7th Division SS Masters team is better than these, so-called national players!
B: Oh yeah?
G: Yeah! Come to the stadium, you'll see!
The boys leave the apartment.

A few minutes later, the boys arrive at the stadium. They've came just in time for the training. Trainer Wilkinson greets them with a smile.
W: What do we have here? New players!
P: What? We only came-
W: Have your jerseys, we're playing in 3 hours
G: But-
W: No buts! Get to work!
The other players are kicking the ball around.
P1: Hey, you!
P2: Come play with us! We'll train together!
The boys approach their new teammates.
P1: Welcome to the club! I'm Ralph, but they call me Bowlcut!
P2: I'm Robby.
P3: And I'm Baldy!
P: Yeah, nice, nice to meet you.
B: Don't look at me, we're here because of that dolt!
G: Says the guy, who doesn't know the basics of soccer!
B: Shut it!
W: Guys, calm down! We must train before the match, not argue over useless crap!
G: But I was-
W: No discussion! We need to win! Bowlcut, show them how to kick a ball!
BC: Of course, coach!
Ba: Listem up, if you want to show an excellent form, you yourselves will need to be in shape!
Close up on Tito's belly rolls.
T: I've trained for the whole year!
W: To play ball, you will need to feel like a ball! And what does a ball do?
T: It rolls, hehe!
Tito lies down on the pitch and begins rolling around the whole field.
P: Get back here!
W: The ball must be fast! We can't let it escape! We need to kick it! All the way, to the goal!
G: Can I kick Tito now?
W: No! What a disaster. Bowlcut, train them. Robby, Baldy, you train with them.
Tito comes up to the camera and closes the black "blinds".
T: Time for a montage!

A montage from the boys' training session. They are training with their new friends, trying out different techniques. Paul is pitching the ball from leg to leg, Bobby does the same, but using his knees, Greg is heading, and Tito is chasing the other players with the ball in the background. In the next shot, the boys try their hand at penalties. Paul shoots at the upper corner of the net, Greg hits the crossbar, Bobby completely misses, and Tito picks the ball up and starts charging towards the goalkeeper. He knocks him over and triumphantly raises his hand. During the free practice, Bobby and Paul are attacking, while Tito and Greg are defending. Tito snatches the ball with a tackle, but Bobby takes the ball himself and shoots. It hits Tito's head and lands at a throw-in. Next scene, Greg is on the attack. He swiftly makes it past a midfielder and two defenders, and scores a goal.
P: Ok, I think we're ready.
BC: That was awesome! Let's go for a win!

The SS Masters team is playing against a much stronger Garterberg. Both teams settle on their positions, and the referee blows the first whistle. Garterberg takes the lead, passing between the SSM's players' legs.
BC: Baldy, Baldy!
Baldy takes the ball and passes it to Bowlcut. He chips the ball forward, to Bobby.
B: I got it!
Bobby makes his way towards the goal, but the keeper sends it out - and it's a corner kick. Meanwhile on the stadium, the Creator can be seen among the hooligans.
C: SS Masters! Is a shitty team! Give up, give up, let go of your dreams!
Bobby takes the corner kick, but the keeper catches the ball. He sends it forward, to Joseph, a midfielder from Garterberg. He begins sprinting towards the goal, none of the SSM defenders are able to stop him.
G: Tito, you're the ball!
T: Ok!
Tito begins rolling towards Joseph, knocking down players from both teams. Tito doesn't stop, even after the referee has blown the whistle. He keeps rolling and takes the ball from Joseph and throws it towards the audience.
T: Catch the ball, guys!
Trainer Wilkinson is mad, he starts running towards Tito.
W: Goodwill, what the actual hell are you doing?
T: I didn't want to lose the ball!
W: Do you realize, just how many basic soccer rules you've broken?
T: None, coach!
W: My fucking ass!
The referee comes up to Tito, with a red card.
Re: Red card, you're sent off!
T: No, I wanna play!
Re: You can't play, go to the changing room!
Tito throws a fit, Wilkinson and the referee take him by the legs to the changing room.

Kernell from Garterberg takes the free kick, which he scores with no trouble. The Creator begins celebrating the loss of SSM.
C: SS Masters, are the losers! You're not winning, fucking boozers!
P: Unbelieveable! We're losing!
R: Don't break down, Pauly! We're gonna equalize!
G: Not with ten players.
W: You will win me the game! I don't even want to think about wasting my last damn bet!
The referee continues the game with a 1:0 for Garterberg. For the entire first half, the score is 0:1. From 17 to 45 minutes. It's now half time, and both teams head to the changing rooms. Tito is sitting around, waiting for his friends.
T: Hey guys! Wanna play againi?
BC: You've already played your game. We have 10 players left!
Ba: We've lost a goal because of you, freaking dumbass!
W: Alright, boys. Time for a change. New guys, you're being changed.
P: You don't want to give us a chance?
W: Sorry, you'll sit for the rest of the match on the bench.
G: Oh yeah? Why, huh?
W: Well, you're just a bit... well, inexperienced.
G: Inexperienced? I'll show you just how inexperienced I am!
Bobby blocks Greg from attacking the coach.
B: Ok, but can I stay?
W: Hmmm, ok, you and your black haired friend can stay. You've proved your value at the training, and had a few good chances. Just let me know, if you want go get changed. Now go, don't mess this one up!
P&B: Ok!
Paul, Bobby and the rest of the team leave the changing room.
G: What about me?

The second half of the match has started. Garterberg is in the lead again.
C: Garterberg! Garterberg! Garterberg! Demolish them!
One of the hooligans turns to the Creator.
H1: When are we going to beat their asses?
C: Later, don't disturb me!
Jim Doyle from the opposite team begins to charge towards the goal. The new goalkeeper doesn't stand a chance against him - and he lets the ball in.
P: 0:2! Wilkinson is going to kill us!
C: Hehe, not only he will kill you... right guys?
Another hooligan mocks the Creator.
H2: Later, don't disturb me!
The other hooligans laugh.
C: What's the matter fool, you bored?
H2: Yeah, got a problem with that?
C: Whatever! Shut your traps and watch the game!
The referee continues the game, this time it's SSM by the ball. After a series of short passes between Bowlcut, Baldy and Bobby, Paul begins to charge at the goal. He is tackled on the left wing, by Ferguson.
C: Get up, stop diving, idiot! Get up!

The referee shows Ferguson a yellow card and dictates a free kick for SSM. Greg shoots on target, but the keeper catches the ball and sends it to the right wing. Bobby on the right wing couldn't head the ball to Robby, Pirelli from the opposite team took the ball. The ball lands out of the field. Bones from SSM throws the ball at Doyle's bald head, it bounces off and lands by Bowlcut's feet.
R: Pass the ball, pass it!
B: Pass it to me!
R: No, to me!
B: I'm closer!
Bowlcut begins running towards the goal, but is tackled. Unlucky for him, just a yard from the penalty box. They get a free kick, which Bobby misses. Paul tries to kick the ball in, but he trips over his own knee.
C: Nice fall, dumbass!

Paul gets up, and gets hit by a flare in the head. He turns around and sees the Creator among the hooligans.
P: What is he...
C: The fuck did you do that for?
H3: Don't look at me, Stanley did it!
The Creator hits Stanley in the head, but the other hooligans attack him - because Stanley is well respected among them.
C: Hey, you were supposed to attack them, not me!
A massive brawl erupts in the stadium, everyone fights everyone. The match is temporarily halted, and the police begins beating the hooligans who ran on the pitch. The whole stadium in is a chaos, even gunfire begins to echo through the entire pitch. The players are evacuated to the changing room.
BC: I think we're saf-

The hooligans break in to the changing room, still fighting. The players begin to panic, some try to fight off the hooligans, and the others hide. Tito begins to scream in terror and hides behind a bench.
P: The hell is this?
G: What did you expect from soccer? It's fans are all degenerates!
B: Watch your mouth, I'm really gonna kick your ass! Soccer is the symbol of masculinity! Every lady wants a soccer player!
Bobby flexes his muscles.
P (to himself): I've never heard a more stupid thing...
G: I can see you with your ladies, just by kicking a ball!
B: I can kick you, if you want!
G: Come on, come on!
Bobby begins to fight Greg, Paul tries to separate them.
G: None of your business!
Greg pushes Paul aside, he gets angry and joins the fight. Everyone is fighting everyone in the changing room. The police enters the changing room and pepper sprays the hooligans.
H4: Fucking pigs!
The hooligans put their shirts over their faces and try to fight the police. The boys escape the changing room during that event. The Creator sees that and begins to chase them.
C: Where do you think you're going?

One of the hooligans grabs the Creator by his hood and pulls him to the ground.
H1: Hey, idiot. Where's our payment?
C: What payment?
H3: You promised us some cash for the brawl!
C: Oh, yeah, of course... uhhh, I got something... in my fridge! Just a minute!
The Creator tries to escape, but the hooligans begin chasing them. They beat him up off camera, and a second time after he runs to the other side of the camera.
H3: Kill all bitches!
The Creator is on the ground, severely injured.
C: I've had it with you... Time for my final plan...
The Creator shakes off and walks off from the stadium.

At home, the boys are watching the next match with Austria.
B: Own goal?! I'll fucking kill Dawidowicz! You piece of crap!
G: And people say that I'm a freak...
B: You better shut your trap!
G: Don't you understand? We already lost the Euro! It's a group of death!
B: It still has a chance!
T: Yes, it has!
G: Thanks Tito, I knew I could- wait up, you little-!
T: I said that it doesn't stand a chance!
B: No, you said it did!
Tito, Bobby and Greg begin arguing. Paul leaves the room and goes to Angie.

P: Hi, Angie.
A: Hey, you probably couldn't stand them anymore.
P: I sometimes have enough of these idiots... But hey, they are my only friends after all...
A: How about we play something? I have Twister in my closet.
P: No thanks, we already twisted our bodies off at the sleepover.
A: How about Just Dance?
P: I don't know how to dance.
A: Minecraft?
P: Minecraft? Oh yeah, I just downloaded it yesterday.
Paul and Angie connect to the world. Both of them are busy gathering their own materials.
A: Pauly, how do you like my house?
Angie shows Paul her dirt shack.
P: Yeah, it's... a good starter house. Check out mine!
Paul shows Angie his house, in the style of a Playboy mansion.
A: How did you build it so fast?
P: You know, I'm an experienced builder.
A: Can I stay at your house? I'll lay my bed next to yours!
P: Sure, I guess.
Angie lays her bed next to Paul's, but she can't fall asleep because of the monsters.
A: Pauly, could you get rid of the monsters? I'm not armored.
P: Sure!
Paul leaves the house, and comes back with many drops after literally 3 seconds.
A: You really are an experienced player!
P: You know, I've played Minecraft, since I was a kid!
Paul makes some iron armor for himself and Angie.
P: Here, you should equip some armor.
A: Thanks!
Madison walks into the room.
M: Are you guys still on your phones? It's getting late, go to sleep.
P: Ok, how about we play tomorrow?
A: Ok.
P: Goodnight, you all.
A: Goodnight!
M: Goodnight.
Paul and Angie fall asleep. The camera pans out from the living room's window, Bobby's muffled screaming can be heard.
B: Damn you, Mbappe! 0:3! Ah, shit, we've already lost the Euro!
G: Shut up, it's midnight! You're gonna wake the neighbors up!
Bobby throws the TV at Greg, the screen blacks out before it lands on his head.
End of episode 10.