Episode 1 - The Beginnings

Every story has it's beginning. In the near future, in the town of Santa Santana, in the Creator's house.
The Creator of this story is a 20-year old man named Jimmy, a jobless alcoholic with a lot going on with him. He lives in a very old apartment complex. In his room, there are spirit bottles everywhere. The walls are crumbling, and the ceiling is moldy. A highly intoxicated Creator is sitting in front of his laptop, typing away on a forum with just a few of his friends. After turning 18, he cut ties with his fake friends in school. This made a huge impact on him, albeit in a negative way. From that time on, he was just sitting in his house, all by himself, drinking away until blacking out.
C: Aiiiight... love ye all... I must gooooo...
Creator's chair breaks under his weight.
C: Fuuuuckin cheap ass chairs they're making... Damn it...
Creator is on his way to throw away the chair, and replace it with his grandma's old stool. Suddenly, he loses his balance and falls down the stairs. He hits his head several times on the stone steps, and hits the base of the wooden railing with an audible thud. Heavily injured, he loses consciousness.

There is an injury on his forehead, from which many of his thoughts are escaping. Alongside them, there are four voices in his head, each representing a different mood.
The first voice is Paul, responsible for grief and sadness. Next up is Tito, responsible for the low IQ of The Creator. Third voice - third character, it's Bobby. The Creator was terrible with ladies, so is Bobby. He tried to talk to five different girls, none of them wanted to be his. And last, but not least, Greg. Greg is particularly aggressive towards the things and people that he disagrees with.

P: Guys, where are we?
T: We're, f...ree!
B: I wonder, if they have any ladies here...
G: Move up, you're blocking the way!
Bobby tries to open the dorr, but the door handle is sticky from the alcohol.
B: Yuck, the door handle is sticky.
G: Let me kick this damn door down, move away.
Paul and Bobby make way for Greg, but Tito is focused on picking his nose.
G: I said, move away!
Tito is still picking his nose. Paul grabs Tito by the arm, and moves him aside. Greg tries to kick the doors down from a flying kick, but he doesn't even reach the door and falls down face first. This situation amuses Tito, who can't hold his laughter.
G: Tito, you really are cruisin' for a bruisin'...
Tito immediately falls silent. Greg looks around the room, and Paul's boots catch his sight.
G: Paul, let me have your boots.
P: Are you crazy? I'm not giving my boots to anyone, especially you.
G: Fine, I'll just kick your ass and take them.
Greg approaches Paul in an aggressive manner. Bobby stops Greg from throwing a punch last second.
B: Why shouldn't Paul be the one to kick the door down? Well, the boots are his.
G: Why him? Do you think I'm a weak sauce?
T: Guys!
Tito points at the drunk Creator, approaching them with a vodka bottle, muttering obscenities under his nose. Suddenly, he throws the bottle at Bobby, which he dodges. The bottle hits the handle, and opens the door.
T: Run for your lives!
G: I'm not scared of a drunk turd, I'm gonna kick his-
P: Move, damn it!
Paul drags Greg out of the flat. The boys run down the stairs.
After escaping from the Creator's flat, they make it out the building.
C: I don't want-a see you again...!
Creator hicks and returns to the flat.
P: We just got out, and I don't want to be here already.
T: What now?
B: Let's get some hoes!
G: No, you idiot. We must get to know the place.
P: Guys, we should find a place to sleep first. We don't want to sleep under a bridge, do we?
G: Yeah, but where do you want to go? Like I said, we must get to know the place.
T: A-ha, you finally said something smart!
G: What did you just say?
T: Nothing, I'm sorry!
The boys are now on a journey around Santa Santana, in an attempt to find anything. Tito points at a bulletin board, just by the town square.
T: Guys, look! An informing sign!
The guys gather next to the sign, and Tito tries to read it.
T: Looking, looking... for a... fart? Looking for a fart!
B: A flat, Tito. A flat.
T: That's right! Looking for a fart!
G: We should call that lady.
P: How are we gonna afford the flat? You guys ot anything?
B: Just a few bucks.
T: I got an old lollipop, and a few marbles!
G: A thousand dollars.
P: How did you get a thousand dollars?
G: You see, I was just hanging up the posters for the Republicans, and I made a little profit from leftover posters.
Paul, Tito and Bobby's eyes begin to shine.
G: No, no way. Don't even think about me paying for your asses.
B: Dude, do you want to live under a bridge?
Greg stops for a moment, and reluctantly agrees. Paul calls Madison Shaw, the flat owner.
M: Hello?
P: Yes, hello, we would like to rent a flat that you're offering.
M: How many of you guys are there?
P: Four people, including me. We just need a place to stay, let's say that we got kicked out of the house.
M: I don't know if I can fit you guys all. However, three rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen will be enough. My sister lives with me, she would like to meet you.
Bobby cuts in.
B: Is she cute?
P: Bobby, piss off!
M: Yes, I suppose she is. She's kind of into... emo things? Whatever that means.
Paul gets excited to meet a friend with similar interests.
P: Ok, we'll be there in 20 minutes.
M: Thanks, see you there.
P: Goodbye.

The boys are on the way to Madison's apartment. Paul is very pleased with the situation.
P: I can't believe it, you guys. I will finally meet my soulmate!
B: How do you know if she even is your soulmate? What if she wouldn't want you, or if she is already taken?
P: Well I'm sorry, at least I know how to talk to women.
The boys pass by Madison's apartment building.
B: Oh yeah? Well, you're the crybaby here! Always crying over the smallest things!
P: Shut it! You'll never get a woman! I mean, just look at you!
T: Guys, we passed by her building!
G: Stop fighting, and come inside.
Greg calls Madison on the house intercom, however he chooses the wrong number. On the other side, there is a male voice.
?: Hey darling, you came here to play with me? Let's snuggle in bed together...
G: Freak!
Greg hangs up and dials Madison, this time choosing the correct number.
T: Bobby, was that your dad? Hehe.
B: At least I have a dad. Did yours leave for milk?
G: Madison, it's us. The guys from earlier.
M: Opening up.
Madison lets the boys in.
P: Apartment 5, that's got to be on the second floor.
There are some groaning noises coming from apartment 6, it's likely the guy from earlier. The boys pass the flat in disgust, Tito knocks on the door.

Madison, who is still in a towel, is surprised to see the boys early. Bobby immediately exclaims:
R: She's got some huge ti-
Paul puts his hand over Bobby's mouth, to avoid embarassment.
P: The name's Paul, nice to meet you. Here are my friends: Tito, Bobby and Greg.
Each of the boys greets Madison, and they step inside.
M: Let me get changed real quick. Angie is waiting for you in the kitchen.
As soon as Madison disappears in the bathroom, Paul rushes into the kitchen. His eyes meet Angie's, and they both smile lightly.

P: Hi, I'm Paul.
A: I'm Angie. You're kind of funny.
Paul blushes.
P: I see that you're an emo as well.
A: Yeah... Aren't you feeling peevish at everything at times?
P: Yeah, yeah. Sometimes, everything drives me nuts. By the way, do you listen to music.
A: I listen to Kyoto Tell'em, dude, I love Gilbert! He's so cute!

Meanwhile, the guys are standing by the bathroom doors.
B: Guys, what do you think, what color underwear does she wear?
G: Dude, that's hella creepy, you know?
T: Haha, exactly!
B: I hope she wears white undies, I would love me some-
Madison steps out of the bathroom, and she overhears the conversations.
M: Were you guys talking about me?
B: Uhh, no, I- uhhh...
T: I think he fell in love!
M: He's kind of funny, what was his name again?
T: Bobby.
M: I had a hamster by the same name. I recently found his skeleton under the sink, I thought that I lost him forever. God only knows, for how long he's been there.
T: Guys, I'm hungry!

Back to Paul and Angie, they are starting to get along. Both of them sit by the table, drinking tea.
P: You know what, Angie?
A: Yeah?
P: I feel like that there could me more... you know, between us. We both have the same interests. Why don't we spend a little more time, you know, in private?
A: But Paul, I'm only 13, and you're 17.
Bobby from the living room responds,
B: Don't worry, age is only a number!
P: Yeah? So is 911!
Paul turns back to Angie, with a mildly annoyed expression.
P: Sorry about Bobby, he's just never had a woman. And the lack of hoes, you know, it turned him into an incel.
A: Yeah, just for future reference, could you keep him away from me?
P: I will try my best. No guarantee, but I will try.

In the living room, the rest of the boys are sitting around. Tito is playing on his DS, Bobby is looking out the window, and Greg is watching TV. The only channel that Madison watches is a news channel, owned by the Democrats. He flips the channels back and forth, but there isn't anything interesting.
G: Goddamn it, is there anything but left-wing crap?
After switching to a random channel, Greg finds an adult entertainment channel. After hearing a hot, female voice, he pushes Greg and Tito off of the couch and starting drooling intensely. A naked man jumps out of the closet, wearing only a balaclava and a tie. The female is already moaning intensely, even though the man hasn't even started. Paul and Angie make their way to the room, but Bobby isn't there. He hid under the couch, after putting Tito in his place.
P: Tito, what the hell are you doing? You want us to get kicked?
T: But that wasn't me, it was Bobby!
A: He's not even there, what are you talking about?
T: He hid! He hid, under the couch!
Just before Paul can check under the couch, Bobby already got out and tries to hide in the bathroom - only to be kicked out by Madison.
B: It wasn't like that, I swear! Tito is the one, who started the TV up!
G: Don't lie, we all know it was you. I literally saw you with your dick in your hand.
B: Are you calling me a liar, you idiot?
P: Enough! Let's just say, that nothing ever happened.
Paul turns the TV off, and heads back to the bedroom with Angie. After an awkward silence, everyone returns to what they were doing beforehand.

In Creator's house...
C: How could they do this to me? *hick* That's it, time to track them down!
Montage: Creator puts on his military suit, surprisingly he hasn't sold it for alcohol yet. He washes his face, obviously with vodka. The montage stops for a moment, when the vodka gets into his eyes and he starts screaming in pain.
A few seconds later, he brings out his equipment - including a nerf gun, because he can't own an actual gun. Even though he kicked them out of the house, he wants them back. He makes his way out of his apartment, aiming his nerf everywhere. He mutters:
C: I'm gonna find you, you rascals. I'm gonna get you, and make you suffer, suffer and suffer!
Creator laughs maniacally and experiences a coughing fit.
C: Nevermind, let's just go.
He makes his way towards the sunset.
Again at Madison's, she is chatting with Angie and Paul.
M: She was, just like a second sister to me! She was always by my side in high school, we were always by each other.
P: And this is a real friendship. Unlike you, I never actually had anyone to talk to. Nobody at all, I was just all by myself on the bench. Nobody gave a flying fuck about me, I... even the people that expressed some concern for me - they just stopped. All the people are the same...
A: Sorry to hear that, I had a similar situation. I didn't fit anyone, everyone treated me like a weirdo.
M: Cheer up, kids. I'm sure that you will find "that" person someday.
Paul looks up at Angie, both of them smile mildly. Madison gets up from the kitchen table.
M: Alright, I'm gonna make us some supper. You guys want anything?
A: Yeah, I want you to not come back.
Paul laughs under his nose. Madison seemed offended at first, but she still had a laugh with the kids.
A: Sis, could you make us some toast?
P: Can I get some, too?
M: Of course!
P: I can help, if you want.
T: I want to help too!
Paul and Tito help Madison in the kitchen.
Greg is feeling somewhat dull, unlike Bobby. He wants to have a laugh with Greg, so he gives him a little elbow bump.
G: Touch me with that elbow again, and I swear that I'll chop it off.
B: Jeez, can't even have a laugh with you...
G: I do not wish to be touched, do you understand?
B: Fine. Gosh, you're so pouty.
The evening goes by in a blur, everybody is finishing their meal.
P: Boy, let me tell you. Ever since we got out, I'm really starting to feel better. I still got the mood swings, but they're not that bad.
B: I will finally be able to talk to an actual woman!
G: Look at Tito, you guys.
Tito is devouring his toast one by one.
M: Yeah, Tito's really enjoying the supper.
Everybody laughs.
A: It's getting late, why don't we go to sleep?
P: Yeah, we've had quite the blast here, and it's almost midnight.
G: Let's hit the sack.
The guys settle in for the night.
P: Hey, Angie?
A: Yeah?
P: Can I crash in your room? I'll just go ahead and sleep on the floor.
A: Come on, you can go ahead and sleep with me in one bed.
Paul pinches his arm, to make sure that he's not dreaming.
A: You're not dreaming, silly. Come on, hop on the bed. Let me cover you.
Paul settles in the bed, with red and black pillows and the covers. Paul falls in love with the bedsheets, and he disappears under the covers momentarily.
P: Good night, Angie.
A: Good night.

In the living room, the rest of the boys found their resting spots. Tito crashed on the armchair, Bobby and Greg on the bed together. Suddenly, Bobby turns to his side and begins to spoon Greg - whispering his dirty fantasies in his sleep. Greg wakes up and punches Bobby in the face.
G: Stay away from my ass, homo!
Bobby rolls over to the wall and begins sobbing quietly. The camera pans out, we can see the sleeping boys. It moves upwards, facing the moon.
Moon: Goodnight!
End of episode 1.